30 - The Dinner Party

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When Draco arrived back at the Manor he wanted to write to Serena about the events that happened, but his owl was nowhere to be found. He called the house elf to ask about it and the elf simply replied that it was 'busy'

"Busy? What about Aries then?" Draco asked the elf

"Er..... it is also busy Mr. Malfoy" the elf replied

"Then how am I supposed to send a letter? Wait.... can you send a letter?"

"Ping is also busy Mr. Malfoy. Ping must go now" And with that, the elf apparated away. Draco knew that this had something to do with his mother and since he can't do anything about it, all he had to do was wait and explain to Serena what happened when he returns to Hogwarts.

The next day Narcissa almost literally burst into Draco's room, which made Draco jolt up in reaction thinking death eaters were here to get him, a recurring nightmare he had, and then sighed when he saw his mother.

"What the bloody hell, mother?!" Draco complained, rubbing his forehead.

"Take a bath, and then get dressed. We're leaving in 30 mins" Was all she said and then turned around to leave.

"Now hold on a minute" Draco called out, making his mother turn around to face him. "You barge in here disrupting my very good sleep and then tell me to change and get ready cause we're leaving in 30 minutes, without even telling me where we're going?"

"We're going to that party I told you about of course"

"Oh of course!" Draco said sarcastically. "But maybe you're forgetting mother that the supposed party is a dinner party! and it's only 8 in the morning!"

"Obviously Draco, there are other socialising events that will happen before the dinner party. Like tea time"

Draco knew that this conversation was obviously going nowhere so he rolled his eyes and motioned for his mother to go away. Narcissa triumphantly smiled at her son and left.

As soon as the door closed though Draco went back to sleep. His mother said they were leaving in 30 minutes, which gave him time to sleep for 20 minutes and get ready at 10.

They used a portkey to travel to a large house with many windows. He then knew that the guest of this party would be staying in this house. After settling their things, they both went to the drawing-room to see that it was already filled with witches and wizards, the faces all familiar to him.

Draco was attending a gathering of Pureblood Slytherins.

Draco and his mother greeted everyone and mingled with a few of them. He still wasn't sure why they all gathered like this, there was something though, something Draco's sure he's not the only one who noticed.

The number of Purebloods have significantly decreased. Sure there were still a lot of them, but not as much as before the war happened. This is what's left of them. And not only that, the usual smug faces of these wizards are nowhere to be found. The war changed everything, the usual high and mighty Purebloods were now scarred and pained.

A man Draco knew as Rothbarth, who was about 95 years old but could pass as 50, called out to everyone and said that they were to begin. Draco felt a hand on his shoulder to see it was Astoria. She motioned her head to where they would sit down and Draco followed.

After Rothbarth's speech, Draco now understood why they were all gathered and why this seemed so important to his mother. It was a gathering on how the Purebloods should rise up once again and take back their respectability, but do so in the best way possible. Like Draco, the rest of the Purebloods wanted to change their reputation and be helpful to the community. They all took turns on suggestions on what to do and Draco thought that maybe this day wouldn't be as useless as he thought it would be.

3 days have gone by and each day was filled with productivity, ideas, debates about the topic of what they currently call as the "Renaissance of Purebloods". To Narcissa's relief, Draco has been such an active participant, giving out suggestions and opinions to the matter. What's even better is seeing Draco and Astoria seeming to grow much closer with one another without her even trying to do anything.


"Anything yet?"

"No, Serena, sorry" Blaise looked apologetic as he could see how worried Serena is.

"I mean he couldn't be in trouble right? He was called by his mother, maybe she's sick and he needed to take care of her. But then why wouldn't he even send a letter to us?"

Serena was now pacing back and forth. They were inside the common room it was early evening just after dinner time.

"He couldn't be in trouble, right? I mean there are no more threats after the war, we're living in peace now" Serena continued.

Blaise was looking around the common room since he was getting dizzy following Serena pacing back and forth "Hold on, have you ever noticed how there are only a few Slytherins that are here?" He asked, stopping Serena from pacing.

Serena looked around "They're probably still out, it's not curfew yet"

"No, I don't think so. I've been wondering why it seemed quieter. I just thought maybe it was because Draco wasn't here, but there really are just a few us. At this time the common room is usually packed but look around now"

"You don't think something really bad happened do you?" Serena asked with worry

"Ramona!" Blaise called out to a Slytherin who just entered the common room. Ramona was known to be the biggest gossip there is, she would surely have information.

"Oh hey there Blaise, getting bored without having Pansy around?" Ramona winked. She was not only the biggest gossip but the biggest flirt too. Though it's mostly harmless flirting, so they say.

"No, I was actually wondering if you noticed how there are only a few of us here ever since the week started"

"Of course I noticed! Just like I notice you smelling every damn food before eating it"

"Ohhhh she is observant," said Serena

"It's a special skill" she shrugged. "Let me ask you this, do you know which Slytherins that are missing?" Ramona crossed her arms

Blaise and Serena looked at her confused not sure where she's getting at

"Surrounded by idiots," Ramona rolled her eyes but Blaise and Serena chose to ignore her since they're already used to her attitude. "The Purebloods, they're all not here"

"Are all the Purebloods gone?" Asked Serena

"No, only Slytherin Purebloods. They said they were having a meeting of some sort. You missing your hot boyfriend already Serena?" 

"As a matter of fact, I am Ramona," Serena said boldly crossing her arms, refusing to be affected by Ramona's choice of words.

"How disgustingly cute. Anyway, they say they'll be back tomorrow, but be careful though Serena, I think 3 days is enough for things to change" With that Ramona smirked and left.

Serena looked at her as she went up to the girls' rooms.

"Don't worry about what she said Serena. You know how Ramona likes to play games sometimes"

"Yeah, I know. But I do hope she's right about them coming back tomorrow" Serena tried to force a smile but can't help but think about what Ramona said.

*Note: In the books, it was never specified if Blaise was a pureblood or a half-blood. But for this story, I decided to make him a half-blood. Also, be prepared, drama is about to ensue ;)

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