Chapter 2*

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I grunted as I rolled onto my back. Images and memories of the attack flashed before my eyes. The Galra soldier. The smoke. The boy.

Oh no!

Gasping I sat upright only to be gently pushed back down by reassuring hands.

I peered through half hooded eyes to meet Allura's worried gaze.

"Hey, you are okay. Wait, are we both dead? Did we die?" I panicked.

"Of course not. Don't be silly. Although I was terribly worried you wouldn't make it." She frowned.

"What happened?" I asked looking about the room. We were back in our palace. I was in my room. I recognized the scent of the ocean drifting in through the blue drapes before the balcony. Sunlight poured in through the floor to ceiling windows on either side of the balcony.

I was lying on my large soft bed in blue and green silk sheets. The deep blue canopy above was tied to dark wood posts.

"Coran and I had made it back to the carriage when we noticed you weren't with us. I went to save you, but he stopped me and went himself.
He told me to wait two ticks. If he did not return or it became too dangerous then I was to leave.
He emerged from the crowd with you and some other guests." Allura frowned.

"Guests?" I asked confused.

A well built man stepped forth from what seemed like nowhere. He had short black hair and white fringe hanging over his eyes. He had a scar across the bridge of his nose. He looked human though his right arm was mechanical.

"This is Shiro. He helped Coran find you. He helped you all to escape." Allura turned to look at him with a grateful smile.

"It's true. I was seperated from my daughter when I saw him. He was hovering near you and another boy who was injured pretty badly. I recognized you as the Altean prince." Shiro explained.

"What happened to the other boy? Where is he?" I asked hurriedly.

Not that I am worried about him or anything.

"He's in a guest room resting. He was wounded. He saved your life Lance." Allura replied placing a gentle hand on my arm.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He will be. He was stabbed in the shoulder. It's going to take some time to heal. I think you should talk to him. Maybe thank him?" Allura smiled.

"He was an incredible fighter. Even injured he took out that soldier. It would be wise to keep someone like him close by. Perhaps he could be your body guard? It would seem Zarkon has it out for your family. It is why we have asked Shiro his son and his daughter to come stay with us." Coran chimed in stepping into the room.

"You're going to be staying with us?" I asked turning to the cyborg.

"If you will have us." Shiro smiled.

"How old are your kids?" I asked excited at the possibility to be a big brother to someone.

I've always wanted a younger brother or sister.

Someone I could sneak around with and cause trouble with. Someone who could learn from me.

"Well they aren't exactly children. I took them in when they were younger. Matt and Katie are their names. They are also around your age." Shiro smiled.

Ooooh. Whelp there goes that idea.

"I would love to meet them." Allura spoke excitedly. She and Shiro left then followed by Coran.

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