Chapter 3*

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I lay on the bed for a long while after Lance had left my room. Our wager lingered in my mind.

He really thinks he can best me.

His persistence was admirable, almost cute. Though I knew strictly based off of physique and genetics I was superior.

Wearing only a pair of black compression pants, I padded to the door and locked it. I pressed my back against the door and sighed.

I felt my teeth elongate and my ears stretch. My nails extended an inch longer. Purple began to shade my hands and forearms and now furry pointed ears.

Like my arms and ears, my feet up to my calves were shaded from purple and faded to my pale skintone. I knew my usual deep violet eyes would change to a bright glowing yellow.

I felt my spine extending as my thin purple tail grew just above my ass. My tail curled around itself completely encased by the pants I wore. I shifted uncomfortably ar it pressed against the constricting material.

Catching a glimpse of myself in a large mirror I frowned. I hated my half Galra form.

Because I had been born half human half Galra, I couldn't completely change into Galra for long periods of time. I could manage a full human form for a long while, but after so long it became exhausting. Unfortunately my half form was easiest for me. It allowed me to heal much quicker since I didn't have to focus so much on maintaining a single form. However I was most comfortable blending in as a human. Unfortunately it took up a lot of my energy and focus. It was why I was always training. I needed to learn to harness this ability and be able to still fight.

I sighed as the pain in my shoulder eased while in my half form. I could almost feel the skin stitching itself back together. Once the skin only showed a faint pink scar did I change back to my full human form.

Rubbing my shoulder I walked to the balcony and sighed as I looked out to the low hanging moon. Altea really was beautiful.

Fireflies illuminated the valley below. The cool evening breeze caressed my bare skin. The scent of salty air filled my lungs as I took a deep breath.

It's so peaceful here.

I glanced to my right to see light illuminating a similar balcony to the one I stood on. I felt the need to explore the light. It was as though an unseen force beckoned me. Curious I changed back into my half form.

Using my claws as support I climbed the vines weaving up the side of the castle to take me to the other balcony. I peered through the open doors and gasped. I nearly fell off of the wall out of sheer shock.

What the hell?

Lance stood in the center of the bedroom before a mirror facing away from me.


His slim but cut physique was nothing to shake a stick at. His long legs were lean and cut. They tapered up to a small, but firm bottom. There was a dimple above the left cheek. His narrow waist created the perfect V shape as my eyes followed the smooth caramel colored skin from his hips to his shoulders.

The muscles in his back flexed as he posed before the mirror. The movement caused a pale blue glowing tattoo on his shoulder blade to shimmer.

It looked like someone smeared glowing blue paint on his shoulder blade but instead of just a blob at the top there was a beautiful intricate design of a lions head.

Surprised I leaned closer to examine it better when he completely turned around.

Holy fu-

I grasped the vines tighter digging my nails into the wall. I felt heat creep into my cheeks as I caught a full frontal view of Lance.

Abort, abort, abort!

I quickly climbed back to my balcony before he could spot me. Once inside my room I slid down the length of the wall sitting on the cool marble floor.

I forced my body to change back to full human form. I closed my eyes as I tilted my head back against the wall.


I couldn't shake the images of Lance's body from my mind. It was branded into my brain. I didn't expect him to look so- full.

I could still see the muscles of his chest contract as he turned towards me. His brown nipples were perfectly shaped and sized on the squares of his chest.

His body tapered to a narrow waist below the muscled contors of his abs.

I blushed crimson as the next image came forth.
He wasn't exactly thick perse, but I hadn't expected him to be that long. I also hadn't expected him to be caramel smooth... everywhere.

I covered my face with my hands and pressed down on my closed lids as if the pressure would push out the vivid pictures.

Stop thinking about it!

Sighing I climbed back into bed and stared at the ceiling. I kicked the covers down to the bottom of the bed. I was hot. Everything was too hot. My skin felt like it was on fire.

It's just a naked guy. It's nothing I haven't seen before.

Yet as I grabbed a cool pillow in attempt to rid my body of all this embarrassed heat, I couldn't help but picture every dip and curve embedded into smooth caramel.

How am I going to fight him tomorrow when all I can see when I think of him is his naked body?

I shifted uncomfortably as my own hard dick pressed against my pants.

Fucking great.

I grabbed a spare pillow and plopped it over my face and blew a long aggravated raspberry. It was going to be a long night. My cock twitched in agreement.


Pumping myself up for the big show down tomorrow, I stripped down to my underwear which was basically blue skin tight shorts.

I did some exercises on the floor and even grabbed my old wooden sword I used for practice when I was younger, and jabbed the air a few times.

I repeated this until I was glistening with sweat.

"You got this Lance. You can beat him and his fluffy mullet." I grinned at my reflection.
As I stared at myself I began to wonder.

Do I really want to best him that much? That would mean he would leave. Do I want him to leave?

I frowned staring at myself. Sighing I tugged off the sweaty undergarments and tossed them aside. I meant to grab my sheer silk robe, but became lost in my own dark thoughts.

I barely noticed I was completely naked due to being at war with myself about this fight tomorrow until I thought I heard a noise from outside.

I turned looking to the balcony beneath the night sky. Curious I padded to the balcony and scanned the darkness. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Shrugging I climbed back into bed still naked and stared at the ceiling.

I couldn't get images of Keith out of my mind. His teasing smirk. The twinkle in his mesmerizing violet eyes. His parted lips. The muscles beneath his smooth pale skin. How water trailed down his skin.

Stop it! Focus on the fight. You have to beat him. Your pride is on the line.

"Yep, tomorrow is the big day." I muttered crossing my arms over my chest.

Did I want to win that badly?

Did it really matter if he got to stay?

Do I want him to stay with me?

Wait not with me with me, just here in the general vacinity of the palace.

Near me as my body guard.

With me at all times.

I rubbed my hands over my face and groaned toward the ceiling.

"Lancy-boy you are in way too deep." I sighed.

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