Chapter 4*

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I dressed in a tight black under armor suit. A belt clasped around my waist with my blade tucked there. The single piece suit fit me like a second set of skin. I shook my hair free and stared at myself in the mirror.

This is it. You have to fight Lance.

A frown tugged at my lips. I didn't want to hurt Lance. I was intrigued by him.

Ar first I had no intention of going back for him at the council. It wasn't until I saw him get grabbed by that Galra soldier that I saw red and without a second thought jumped between them.

What does that mean?

A swift knock sounded on the door interrupting my thoughts.

I turned as Shiro stepped into the room. His eyes lingered on the blade tucked into my belt.

"Are you sure you two have to do this?" He asked averting his eyes.

"It's what his royal stubborness wants." I shrugged.

"You seem healed pretty well. How are you feeling?" Shiro asked meeting my gaze again.

I looked away cupping my shoulder.

"It's still pretty sore but I've always been a fast healer." I muttered. It wasn't a complete lie.

"I see. So there is no stopping this then huh?" Shiro asked crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes narrowed.

"I won't hurt him if that's what you are worried about." I grunted a little offended. Shiro didn't answer. Instead he stepped aside to allow me to pass.

I hesitated.

My eyes were drawn to his mechanical arm. There was something eerily familiar about the technology and the design of the arm. I averted my eyes and brushed past him pushing those thoughts aside. I had other things to worry about. Like beating the prince but in a way where he didn't feel so inferior.

We walked in silence to a training room of sorts. Lance was already here wearing a white and blue skin tight suit.

I felt my cheeks warm as I stared at the suit. I knew just what lie beneath that thin layer.

Stop it, focus!

The princess Allura was standing beside him along with three other people.

"Look who's out and about."  Lance grinned causing my heart to skip a beat.

Ignore it.

"Yes Keith how are you feeling? You look much better." Allura smiled.

"Much better thank you princess." I inclined my chin.

"You must be Keith. The guy who saved the prince. I'm Matt, this is my sister Pidge." The redhaired boy grinned. His sister beside him smiled politely looked less than impressed.

Ignoring that I turned back to Lanxe's challenging smirk.

"Enough chit chat. Let's get this show on the road." Lance spoke excitedly cracking his knuckles.

A worried look flitted across Princess Allura's features as Lance and I walked to the center of the room. Shiro armed us both with wooden sticks. His gaze met mine as I took the stick from him. I nodded slightly.

I twirled mine expertly in my hands testing the weight and durability.

Lance mimicked my actions but a little clumsier.  He attempted to flip it and carch it only for it to fumble between his fingers causing him to stutter to catch it.

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