Chapter 5*

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After the banquet I was headed back to the training room when Lance popped out of nowhere scaring me half to death.

Holy quiznak!

"What the hell-" I began but was silenced as he covered my mouth with his hand. I furrowed my brows in annoyance.

"Follow me." He inclined his chin. His eyes darting side to side looking shady. Without waiting for a response he took me by the wrist and began running through the halls. He didn't let go even when we reached the gardens. We came to the purple-vine covered walls protecting the castle.

Lance hesitated a moment before placing his palm against the wall. A blue aura began to glow around him. The vines moved revealing an opening.

Lance grinned triumphantly and resumed dragging me around. We walked through the vines. I watched in amazement as Lance's blue aura closed them.

He led me down a winding staircase made of stone. The room was dimly lit but with my superior senses I could make out shapes in the dark.

We emerged into a cavelike room. I could hear water running nearby.

Lance released my wrist and stood in the center of the room.

"Lance?" I called. My voice echoed slightly.

He didn't answer. Instead he held his arms by his sides and closed his eyes. His blue aura began to glow again. A giant crystal above us began to glow and illuminated the space

We were in a hollowed cave. A beautiful waterfall cascaded into a pool of glistening crystal blue water. The ground was made of the golden grass with patches of purple flowers. In the center exactly beneath the crystal was a swirling stone embedded and flush with the ground.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"My father brought me here once. Coran and Allura don't even know about this place. My father used to bring me here to teach me how to hone my Altean powers. He would talk about what a great leader I would be someday.

Keith, I want you to train me. I want to be able to defend my home, my friends and my family. Can you teach me?" Lance asked grabbing my hands.

I blinked at him in surprise. All humor was gone. His blue eyes were pleading.

I tugged my hand free and sighed. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Really? Awesome!" Lance pumped his fist in the air spinning in a circle.

I smiled at his enthusiam.

"It's gonna be tough and rigorous training." I warned.

"Pff I can handle anything you can dish out." Lance waved his hand dismissively. I rolled my eyes.

Rule number one always be prepaired for anything.

I suddenly lunged knocking Lance off balance. He landed on his back. I was straddling his waist pinning his shoulders.

"You can handle anything huh?" I smirked.

"I wasn't ready." He pouted.

"Always be prepaired for anything." I chuckled.

Lance stopped squirming beneath me and stared at me. I felt heat creep into my cheeks as I stared into his eyes. I realised how intimate this was as our chests touched.

"I suppose I owe you for saving my life, and agreeing to stay with us. Is there something you want?" He asked.

I was taken by suprise by the sudden question.

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