Chapter 12*

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I pouted the entire way back to the castle. Shiro and his men found me not long after I watched in horror as Keith was taken away.

This is all my fault.

I hung my head low ashamed. Shiro cleared his throat meaningfully. I looked up to see him watching me from across the carriage. His dark eyes reminded me of Keith.

I quickly looked away unable to stare into his eyes.

"Clearly there is no stopping you once you set your mind to something. Hence the running away without help. Nice move by the way. Having said that we will find a way to get Keith back." Shiro spoke firmly.

My head snapped up at Keith's name.

"We have to do it and fast. Lotor will torture and kill him if we don't come up with something." My voice cracked with emotion.

"It's going to be tough, but I am sure we can try to negotiate something." Shiro offered a smile, but I couldn't bring myself to smile back. I was not as hopeful as Shiro. There was no negotiating with Lotor.

Shiro didn't see the fear in Keith's eyes.

Shiro seemed to sense my disapproval and dropped the subject. We sat in morbid silence until the castle came into view.

I frowned waiting for the scolding of a lifetime as I stepped into the main hall where I spotted Allura's familiar long white hair beside Coran's fiery orange hair.

Here we go.

"Lance!" She cried rushing to me and nearly knocked me over in a crushing hug.

Oookay, unexpected.

"Y-you're cr-crushing m-me. Can't- breathe." I gasped as she finaly released me. Her eyes narrowed as she smacked the back of my head.

"Ow!" I rubbed the sore spot.

There it is!

"You deserve worse for scaring me like that." She chided placing her hands on her hips.

"I know. I'm sorry." I lowered my still sore head.

"I'm just glad you are home safe." She smiled grabbing hold of my arm.

"You gave us all a good scare young man." Coran wiggled his mustache. His eyes were narrowed, but his face seemed relieved.

"I am sorry to worry you all. I wasn't thinking. I just kond of reacted." I looked down to my feet.

I don't expect them to understand why I ran away like that.

"Yes, it would seem nothing will stop you when you set your mind to it. I don't understand your connection with Keith, but I understand you feel strongly enough about him to risk your own life. For you to finally be passionate about something makes me proud Lance. However running off isn't the answer." Allura smiled softly.

I nodded grateful that I got off the hook almost completely unscathed.

"Let's get you cleaned up and fed then we shall discuss our next move." Allura gave me a gentle push.

"Thank you." I smiled genuinely.

I reclined in the enormous tub filled with hot aromatic water. Bubbles and steam rose into the air. I lay my head back against a towel and closed my eyes breathing in the floral citrus scent lingering in the air.

Keith. I hope he is okay.

An image of what Lotor must be doing to him flooded my mind. I shivered and sank deeper into the warm water.

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