Chapter 7*

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Keith and I walked back to the castle in silence. I could still taste him on my tongue. I could almost feel his hands on me. The rough callouses on his hands from years of sword training, but the tenderness they had when touching me.

The thought of seeing him tonight, alone, just the two of us, made my skin feel alm tingley.

I watched him walking ahead of me. I bit my lip as my eyes drifted down to where I could just make out his round ass beneath his cloak.

Keith had a nice plump round ass that begged fir a squeeze. My teeth sunk deeper into my lip as I imagined grabbing a fistful of the bountiful skin and giving it a good squeeze.

Later Lance. Later. You can't walk around with a boner for Keith all day. Though it was hard not to.

I studied his body from where I walked behind him trying to spot any Galra features. No sign of fur or purple. Just perfect smooth porcelain skin. He did an incredible job hiding his true form.

I understood why he hid it. The Galra broke the peace treaty set up by our forefathers eons ago, and have been at war with us since before my parents time. If anyone knew he had Galra in his blood then he would be done for.

The thought brought me up short and I stopped walking. The thought of ever losing Keith made my heart ache.

What is this feeling? Whatever it is I don't like it.

Keith turned and frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked furrowing his dark brows. I plastered a smile on my face and waved my hand dismissively.

"Why nothing important. Let's talk to Coran already. I can barely contain myself any more." I winked passing by him. I heard him sigh before his footsteps followed behind me.

That was a close one.

Coran was with Shiro and Allura in the throne room. Shiro's "children" were lingering in an alcove talking animatedly with Hunk.

"Ah Lance, where have you been hiding?" Coran twirled his mustache as we approached. I blushed recalling where I was, but wasn't sure how to tell them. I felt guilty for blowing off my princely duties.

Hehe duties.

Focus, he asked you a question.

Ah crap what was it? Quick come up with something super clever!

"I'm sorry. It was my fault. I wanted to further his training. And completely lost track of time." Keith stepped forward standing protectively in front of me.


Several pairs of eyes watched us skeptically, but after a moment they relaxed.

"Alright, but don't let it happen again. Lance you still have your royal duties to maintain." Coran wagged a finger.

Hehe duties.

I snickered and was greeted by a warning glare from Allura. Keith conveniently coughed covering up a smile.

I knew I liked him.

"Well now that everyone is here. I would like to discuss this celebration ball in detail.
It is to gather our allies together to show we are still strong and proud and that the attack on the council did not and will not phase us. Shiro, Pidge, Matt, and Keith, you are one of us now and will be knighted as such." Coran smiled warmly.

I noticed the pride in the others faces, but Keith's stoic expression had fear behind his eyes. I rubbed my arm up and down uncomfortably.

"Lance is something bothering you?" Allura asked.

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