Chapter 9*

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I stepped back as the fire roared to life in the hearth. It created a sensual glow about the room. I stared into the fire mesmerized by the dancing flames.

What am I doing? I said I would stay away.

I mean that was the plan.

I stared at the fire not seeing it. Instead of flames I could see Lance dancing across the ballroom. He was holding me in his arms. Our gazes locked.

It's something I will never forget.

I sighed finally looking away from the fire.

"Are you okay? You look kinda bummed." Lance's familiar voice called to me.

I turned to see him standing before the bed still in his ceremonial robes. The glow of the fire illuminated the white making it almost transparent.

I could see every curve and angle of his body beneath his clothes. The package he was angling away from me was impressive. I licked my suddenly dry lips and took a step towards him.

"Thanks for coming." I rubbed my arm feeling awkward.

"Like I would miss a good time." He joked. I rolled my eyes I repsonse." I always have a good time with you Keith. You-you mean a lot to me okay." Lance scratched the back of his head as his cheeks turned pink.

I didn't speak as I closed the distance between us and took his face in my hands. I kissed him soundly feeling his arms wrap around my waist.

I slipped my tongue into his waiting mouth. A small moan escaped him as I lowered him onto the chaise before the fire.

My fingers spread across his chest. I could feel his nipples harden through the thin fabric beneath my touch.

That's it

"Mmm Keith you taste so good." Lance moaned licking his lips.

"I do?" I grinned as he nodded eagerly.

He gently pushed me back until I sat back on the lounge. I looked at him curiously as he slipped off of the lounge and knelt on the white fur rug before the fire.

He smirked as his hands lingered on my waist. His fingers slipped beneath the band of my pants and rolled them down past my knees.

My erection stood at attention before him. I blushed as he teased my head with his fingers.

"I wonder if this tastes as good." He winked before taking me deep into the depths of his mouth. A groan escaped me as I felt the tip of my head touch the back of his throat.

I stifled my moans by covering my mouth with my hand.

Holy fuuu-!

Lance shook his head with my dick still in his mouth and grabbed my wrist. He placed my hand at the nape of his neck.

I curled my fingers into his hair and gently tugged on the strands encouraging him.

I felt my body begin to tighten as I reached my peak. Lance didn't relent. He grabbed my shaft and jerked me off in tempo with his tongue work.


"Lance! Lance I'm gonna cum." I groaned gripping his hair. He sucked harder and bobbed his head up and down in response.

I felt that sweet moment of release and spilled my cum all over his tongue. Lance lapped up the juice until there was nothing left.

I released a long breath as I looked down at Lance's smug face.

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