Chapter 6*

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I wiped the sweat from my brow and braced my hands on my knees as I panted trying to catch my breath. I stood in the center of our private training arena. The sound of water falling into the pool around us drowned my labored breathing.

Quiznak I'm beat! Keith isn't even sweating that bad  or showing signs of slowing down.

"You are still being too obvious in your movements. You want to surprise your attacker. Be unpredictable." Keith shook his head.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" I panted sarcastically.

"You do realise if I pin you then you lose. You have to give me a striptease." Keith smirked with a twinkle in his eye trying to light a fire under me.

It worked.

He's mocking me. Don't let him get to ya Lance.

I huffed standing straight.

"Enough talking. Let's fight." I raised my wooden sword and attacked. Keith fainted to the side evading my dive easily. He clicked his tongue taunting me.

He suddenly swung his wooden sword and brought it down above my head. I used my own sword to block the attack. Once both of my arms were up Keith released his sword and tackled me to the ground.


He pinned my arms above my head. He grinned triumphantly as I struggled beneath him.

"Pinned." He chuckled as I huffed out an agitated breath.

"Ugh fine. You win." I pouted. Keith's teasing look faded from his face.

"Look you don't have to do it. I only said it to light a fire under your ass. It worked. You really impressed me today." Keith smiled holding a hand out to help me up.

I accepted his offered hand and he hoisted me to my feet. I brushed the dirt off of my ass and sighed.

I didn't want to admit it aloud but I was kind of disappointed I didn't get to tease and torment him and make him helplessly squirm in his seat.

If he got to embarrass me by fighting I wanted to embarrass him by stripping.

I want to strip in front of him. I want him to want me. Was that really so wrong?

"No I lost fair and square. We made a deal." I shook my head.

I'm doing this because I lost.

It's fair.


Ahh who am I kidding?

A light flush crept into his cheeks. I hesitated.

"Are you sure?" He asked. A strange vulnerable look crossed his face making all of my doubts wash away.

"Yes." I nodded.


I stared at Lance for a long while.

He wanted to do the striptease? Was this some kind of joke? Was he making fun of me?

My dick hardened at the very thought of seeing him naked again. Part of me wanted to kick myself for suggesting this. I never thought he'd follow through on it.

A little piece of me really wants him to.

Still as Lance walked toward the edge of the pool where the waterfall created a flowing background, he began to sway his hips.

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