Chapter 8*

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I woke to find Keith gone. Feeling his absence like a hollow ache I still glanced about his room knowing he wasn't here.

Where did he go?

I tossed the covers aside and quickly dressed. As I finished clasping my cape around my shoulders the doorknob turned.

An alien foot stepped into the room.

Quiznak! I can't let them see me.

I ducked under the bed making sure none of me was visible. Shay stepped into the room and began tyding the space. She undressed the sheets and I blushed knowing what had taken place on them.

She hummed quietly to herself as she made the bed unaware of the events that took place on thise sheets last night, also the fact that I was hiding under the bed like a secret lover.

I covered my mouth to keep from breathing heavy enough where she would hear. I heard her footsteps cross the room and she closed the door behind her.

Sighing in relief I slid out from under the bed and came face to face with Keith.

He was fighting a smile as he crossed his arms in front of him raising a brow teasingly.

"Playing hide and seek?" He smirked.

I pursed my lips in annoyance as I reached out to him for help. He hoisted me to my feet. I brushed the rest of the dust off of me and grinned.

"Well ya found me. Where did you go anyway?" I asked.

"I spoke with Shiro this morning about security detail for the ball. I was on the balcony enjoying the morning breeze when I saw you dive under the bed." Keith smirked.

"Why didn't you say something when I got up?" I wailed.

"I was gonna but then Shay walked in, and seeing you dive under the bed was too hilarious." Keith laughed.

"So you were there the whole time. Shay didn't say anything to you." I stamped my foot annoyed he caught me in an embarrassing moment.

"I waved and she waved back." He shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at him as he snickered. Clearing his throat he headed over to the chaise in the center of the room and took a seat. He patted the space next to him and I sulked over to sit beside him.

"Leave it to Coran and your sister to plan a huge party and have eveything prepaired in a single day." Keith sighed leaning back against the arm of the chaise.

"Yeah we Altean's really know how to party." I chuckled.

"Suitors will be there for your sister. Possible brides for you, or so I was told." Keith frowned glancing at his shoes.

A twinge of guilt twitched through me. It wasn't fair for me to do such intimate things with him while looking for a bride.

Nit that I'm looking.

The thought of being with anyone else broke my heart, but I knew it could never be. I was a prince. Destined to rule my kingdom eith a queen by my side. Keith is a fighter, a warrior he belonged where he would be able to protect people.
I was Altean, and he- if anyone knew he was half Galra they'd kill him on the spot. The thought drew me up short.

I can't even think about it without feeling sick to my stomach.

"I should probably get to my duties. I'll see ya around Keith." I waved as I hurridly left the room without so much as a backwards glance. Once outside, with some space between us, I pressed my back against the door and closed my eyes.

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