Chapter 14*

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I grunted as pain ached through my body. I rose before dawn and washed away the blood and sweat from the night before.

Lotor hadn't been joking when he said he intended to make the most of last night.

And fuck- he did.

I stretched my aching muscles wincing from the sharp pain of the bruises and wounds inflicted by Lotor.

I can handle it. I'm used to pain. It means I'm still alive.

I donned my black and purple skin tight suit and tucked my blade into my belt loop at the small of my back. With one last sigh I began to head to my usual post. As I walked I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Something is going to happen, but what?

I pursed my lips deep in thought when I thought I spotted a tall lanky guard I had never seen before. His uniform was much too baggy for him.

Dumbass probably took the wrong one.

Cursing under my breath I stalked towards him ready to confront him.

Lotor would have my head if I let this slide, and I'm still sore as fuck.

I called to him in Galran.(Galrean? Galrayin? Idk you get the idea.)

When he didn't respond I pursed my lips and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I was talking to you. What are you doing in-" My sentence dropped from my lips as I spun him around. I stumbled back in disbelief.

It can't be. I'm just imagining things.

"Keith!" Lance breathed. He crushed me in a tight hug. I stood motionless still unsure if this was a dream or not.

"L-Lance?" I finally managed to speak.

"I was so worried about you. You- what happened to you? Did he do this to you?" Lance's brows knit together in worry and anger as he spotted the bruises marring the side of my face.

I turned away ashamed.

It was then my ears perked up to the sound of footsteps approaching.

Oh no, if they find him they will kill him!

Without a second thought I clamped a hand over his mouth, and drew him close.

"Come with me. Quick." I whispered harshly in his ear and ran with him down a long hall.

I ducked into a deep dark alcove and shoved him against the wall. I pressed myself close to him praying the guards on patrol didn't notice us.

My heart hammered in my chest as they walked by silently. I waited until I could no longer hear their footsteps before I sighed in relief.

I relaxed against Lance. His muffled murmurs caused me to look up into his hooded face.

I removed my hand and blushed realizing how close we really were. Our bodies were pressed together.

Our faces just inches apart. I could feel his warm breath on my bruised cheek.

"It really is you." I whispered. Lance chuckled wrapping his arms around me.

"Of course it is. Your knight in shining armor has come to rescue you." He grinned.

I returned his smirk though my excitement was short lived as reality crashed down on me.

"You have to leave. Now. If Lotor finds you he will kill you without hesitation. I-I'm not strong enough to protect you Lance." I looked away ashamed.

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