Chapter 13*

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Quick Authors note!

Hey guys, just wanted to say that this chapter could be triggering for some people. I kept it as super vague as I could, but for some it could be something more. Just a heads up. If you are easily triggered or just dont like that sort of thing feel free to skip Keiths parts this chapter.

Thank you for understanding. And sorry!


Blood. That was all I could see, smell, and taste.

I spat crimson onto the floor of the torture room. Red blotches blurred my vision in the corners. The sound of metal clanging rang in my ears and pierced through the silence around me.

Pain shot through my wrists as the cuffs around them chafed against the raw skin. I was chained by my wrists to the posts of the bed. I lay naked with my ankles shackled as well.

Who needs modesty when your a love slave right?

More like fuck toy.

I thought bitterly and leaned over and spat blood on the floor again. The bitter taste of copper lingered on my tongue.

Lotor had done a number on me this time. He was angry I had hidden away and not returned to him. He was still livid that I had failed my original quest of killing off the two remaining Altean royalty. He was more enraged over the fact that I had fallen in love.

There was no denying it. He saw through me before I had even been taken to the torture chamber. He cut me deeper trying to pry the persons name from my lips but I refused.

I would never hurt Lance, or allow Lotor to go near him. I would die before I let Lotor lay a finger on Lance.

I winced at how sore I was as memories of my grand return flooded my mind.

He couldn't have just said welcome back and left it alone?

No, I knew better. Lotor was a jealous man. He wanted me to call out his name and his alone. He wouldn't stand for anyone else touching me.

I flinched involuntarily thinking of his clawlike hands raking down my body and sighed causing pain in my ribs resulting in a coughing fit. I leaned over spitting more blood on the ground.

I think he may have knocked a tooth loose.

I frowned running my tongue along my bloodied teeth. Sure enough one of my canines was a little wobbly.

The door swung open revealing Lotor. He crossed the room in two strides. A wicked grin spread across his face as he dragged a nail from my navel up my chest.

"Are you ready to call my name Keith?" He chuckled digging his nail in drawing a bead of blood.


I made it. I made it to Lotor's castle. It was far different from ours. This one was dark and shadowy. The pointed towers looked like deadly spikes rising from the ground.

This place gives me the creeps.

Still I swallowed back the fear in my throat and set my jaw in determination.

I'm not leaving without Keith!

I had gained enough courage to head inside when a hand clamped over my mouth. I screamed, not in a girly way or anything, but a normal scream.

I was dragged back into the bushes though I struggled futilely. It was then I saw the yellow eyes of a Galra.


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