Chapter 11*

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I couldn't believe Lance found me. I couldn't believe he was sitting right across from me professing his love and how sorry he was.

If Lance found you then Lotor certainly could. It's not safe here anymore.

My thoughts were interrupted when Lance said the words I longed to hear most.

"I love you Keith." Lance breathed. His blue eyes open and honest.

In that moment all of my concerns had been squelched. All of the betrayal I felt seemed insignificant. I knew what I wanted.

Without a word I stood and made my way over to him. Each step felt like a breath of fresh air. I dropped to my knees beside him. His eyes met mine in confusion.

I took his precious face between my hands and kissed him. The feather light kiss deepened as Lance opened his mouth to me forcing me to take a deep breath.

Our tongues tangled between us as Lance shifted his weight rising to his knees. He now towered over me holding my face in his capable hands. His kiss, his touch, his scent, his taste; it set fire to my body. I reacted to him without even my own knowledge. All I wanted was him. He grinned against my lips as my erection grazed his thigh.

"Miss me that much?" He chuckled against my lips.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes kissing him harder.

A gasp escaped him as I yanked him close lying back against the furs taking him with me.

Lance braced his hands on either side of my head and gazed down at me taking a moment to breathe.

"Gods I was an idiot to let you go." He mumbled under his breath he shifted his weight onto one hand to run his fingers through my hair.

"You're not an idiot." I shook my head reaching toward him. My fingers toyed with his brown locks and pointed ears.

He wagged his brows making a moronic face and I laughed.

"Well not that much of an idiot." I laughed for the first time in weeks. Lance smiled brushing my hair back from my face. He dipped his head and captured my lips once more.

My stomach flipped inside of me as I eagerly kissed him back.

Each kiss became more urgent more needing than the last. Our breath became labored as we groped and tugged on the other.

I need him.

I tugged Lance's cloak and shirt off of his broad shoulders and tossed them aside. He eagerly shimmied out of his pants as I undressed beneath him.

I pushed Lance back and leaned forward enough to take his length deep into my throat.

Lance tossed his head back and hissed in pleasure. I bobbed my head back and forth wetting him with my tongue. I released him as he groaned and pressed me down on the floor. He slid himself inside my center. I winced at the tightness.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked concerned.

"It's been a while." I grunted waiting for the pain to ease.

Lance leaned down and kissed me tenderly on the forehead. He moved his kisses down my temple, jawline, and followed the vein down my neck. He paused at the hollow of my throat and gently nipped the skin with his teeth.

I shivered at the sensation and he grinned.

"Better?" He smirked. I nodded and he slowly began to rock his hips back and forth.

The pain subsided into pleasure and soon I was a moaning fool. I clutched Lance close to me. My nails drawing red lines down his back as he drove himself deeper inside of me.

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