Chapter 17*

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I paced the grand hall of the castle anxiously. I knew Lance would sneak off to search for Keith, but I never thought he would go to Lotor himself.

"The fool." I sighed.

He's blinded by love.

"And I am blinded by hate. This is all my fault." I sighed slumping my shoulders as I leaned against the wall for support.

"Don't be too hard on yourself princess." Coran did his best to comfort me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

He could be dead. We should have sent in our armies.

The sound of the alarm blaring theough the castle halls brought me back from my dark thoughts and I rushed to the window.

"Who is that?" I called pointing to the rider approaching.

"I shall meet them at the gate." Coran raised his finger in the air.

I followed him to the gate lifting my skirts in my hands to keep up with his quick pace. The cloaked figure had a close to death Keith cradled in their arms.

"It's Keith!" Coran exclaimed studying the unconscious bloody mess atop the horse.

"Get him to the infirmary and quickly." I commanded. Two gaurds took hold of him and carried him away. I turned my attention back to the cloaked figure.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Lotor is dead, and a war just broke out." Pidge sniffled dropping her hood. A unanimous gasp sounded.



Without second thought I turned to Coran.

"Ready our men for battle." I spoke urgently. Coran hesitated before nodding and hurrying to do my bidding. Lance was going to need reinforcements.


I was lying on the beach. My eyes were closed but I knew where I was. I could almost feel the sand beneath me. The sun shown warmly. The sound of waves crashing onto the shore was soothing.

Footsteps approached.

I peeked one eye open to see Lance standing beside me in regal white robes. A know it all grin on his face.

"I knew I would find you here. Why are you hiding?" He asked.

"I thought you knew?" I challenged. Lance laughed at that and sat beside me.

"Everyone is waiting for you. It's time Keith." Lance spoke gently.

"Are they ready to accept me as I am?" I asked sitting up to look him in the eye. Lance shuffled through several of his thinking faces before settling for a smile.

"I do. Your family does. The kingdom will too." Lance smiled brushing the sand from his pants. He held his hand out to me smiling widely.

"I made a promise to you and I mean to keep it. What about you?" He arched a brow. I sighed looking up into his face.

I loved him. I wanted to live for him, for our future. I wanted to be with him. Always.

"I do." I whispered taking his hand. As my fingers closed around his a bright white light blinded me.

I gasped for air as my eyes shot open.

"He's awake!" An unfamiliar voice spoke. I scanned my surroundings. Everything was hazy, but by the strong odor stinging my nose I would say I was in the infirmary.

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