Chapter 15*

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I walked confidently down the corridors. I knew where I was going. I knew who I was searching for.


His name ricocheted in my head. I was close. I was so close to finishing what had been started all those years ago.

He took my family from me. That is something the Galra in me could never forgive.


An image of Keith as a toddler crossed my mind.

His scared face looking up to me for reassurance. Tears welled in his big dark eyes. His small hands clutched the fabric of my pants.

"Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you." I smiled down at him.

"You won't?" He sniffled.

"What are big brothers for?" I patted his head and he smiled through his tears.

I shook my head shaking off the memory.

He took my brother from me. I wasn't strong enough to protect him then, but I have grown stronger. I can beat him.

I spotted the door I wanted. My heart rate seemed to slow as my vision grew tunneled.

I'm so close. This ends today.

Suddenly barely audible footsteps coming toward me at a quick pace. I turned in time to see a figure collide with me.

I was knocked into a room flying through the doors. A grunt escaped me as I landed in a heap on the cold floor. A solid body pressed against me.

I looked up to see Keith panting over me. Sweat clung his raven mullet to his forehead and neck. His chest heaved as he gulped for air. His dark eyes pierced right through me. The anger, hurt and betrayal was prominent in the violet of his eyes.

He knows.

I opened my mouth to speak but he gripped me by the front of the cloak I was wearing and brought my face close to his. His pointed teeth grit in a sneer.

His eyes flickered between his deep violet to the bright yellow of his Galra genes. His temper clearly flaring. He was barely in control of himself.


I leaned over Shiro gasping for breath. I saw him and the door he was headed for and didn't think. I just reacted. My anger welled up inside of me at the sight of him.



You're no brother of mine!

I tackled him through the nearest door. I grabbed him by the cloak he wore and stared into his dark eyes. Eyes eerily similar to my own.

"Keith." He murmured my name. In that moment I wanted to cry to finally break down.

I won't cry. I haven't shed a tear yet and I won't start now.

My grip loosened as I felt my resolve begin to fade away, but I clutched him tighter not giving in.

"How?" I growled through clenched teeth.

A deep sadness pooled in his eyes as he met my gaze steadily.

"How?!" I shouted in his face.

"I failed you. I failed to protect you, to save you, and to rectify what had been done. I failed you as a friend and brother." Shiro spoke softly.

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