Chapter 18*

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I paced the dining room anxiously. Pidge had given up trying to calm me and shoveled food into her mouth. Matt sat quietly eating his food.

"You're making me dizzy!" Hunk groaned clasping his head.

"Yeah, Lance you need to calm down." Pidge spoke between bites.

We had arrived in the dining hall when Keith kissed my cheek and said he'd be back soon. He had to speak with Shiro. Allura and Coran had been called away to deal with an issue. Everyone was taking too long for my comfort.

I still don't know half of what had been said in that meeting. I need to know! It's gonna kill me!

I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Keith had proposed to me. I felt the weight of the ring in my pocket like a rock.

Should I tell them? Keith just ran off after we returned. Should I wait for him? Gah I don't know what to do!

I paused in my inner turmoil to glance at the door.

Why isn't he here yet? What is taking Allura and Coran so long?

Suddenly the doors pushed open and I paused in my nervous breakdown. Allura, Coran, Shiro and Keith finally emerged into the meeting hall.

"Keith." I breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped beside me facing the others.

"Lance, we know you were to rule Altea when you found a bride and I was to reign over a kingdom with my own future husband and king. However since you have found love first, I think it is only fair that you get to rule with the one you love. There is one small catch." Allura paused. Her eyes flicked to Keith. He turned facing me and taking my hands in his.

"I have been selected by the council to rule the Galra Empire." Keith breathed.

Wait what?

"Huh?" My mouth hung open in confusion.

"You see Keith knows the territory better than anyone. He already is widely known by the Galrans. (again idk hehe). They respect him and accepted him as Lotor's right hand. It will be easier to put someone they already know and trust on the throne. Besides he can bring them out of the state Lotor had put them in." Shiro chimed in smiling at his brother.

What about us?

"Will you rule with me?" Keith asked shyly.

"Leave Altea, and rule the Galra Empire with you?" I formed the words on my tongue as they sank in.

"We will be allies of course and you are always welcome home to visit." Allura smiled.
"This is a good thing Lance. It will unite our kingdoms, and bring peace to our homelands." Allura smiled brightly.

"I love him and if I get to be with Keith then that is enough for me." I grinned curling my fingers around his.

He pecked my cheek.

"Then it is settled." Coran laughed cheerfully.

"Now the important part." Allura's eyes glistened.

"What's that?" Shiro asked.

"The wedding of course!" She threw her hands up excitedly.


I plopped onto Lance's bed in his chambers with a loud groan. It was nearly dawn and we just finished arranging details for the wedding ceremony, and my coronation ceremony.

I didn't really care about the details. I just wanted to be with Lance. Rolling onto my back I sighed staring at the ceiling.

Tomorrow I will be crowned King. Shiro volunteered to be my advisor and I graciously accepted. I would need all of the help I could get. Having another half Galra there for support would be really helpful.

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