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Arroyo was quiet. It would be the perfect time for him to leave. Malin wanted badly to see the sights again. He spent the night listening closely to the castle. He was ready to go.

Malin planed to stay at the shores until the sunrise. He swam out the window and past the barrier in one bound. He poked he head out of the water to let his bearings return to him. He headed the same direction.

He was relying on his memory serving him in the darkness. He knew he was getting closer with the sounds of the shore got louder. Malin kept near the surface of the water. 

Which way? He thought.

Just when he was about to give up and try again in the morning, he heard music. Lively and joyous music. He'd never hear anything so wonderful. Malin continued to follow it until he was right where he wanted to be. He saw the same big floating object he followed earlier. But he saw no beings that he recognized near it. Except for one. He was blond and sitting on the edge of the shore. He was sitting alone.

Why is he alone if there is such lively things going on? Malin pondered.

Either way the man was infatuating to see. The man was soon accompanied be what he figured out to be the female of the species, they looked similar. They started to talk, but Malin was too far away to hear about what. It was no matter to him because they were just fun to look at. Eventually they got up and disappeared out of Malin's sight. No one else came even near the shore for hours. It got quite boring.

This is still more fun than listening to father drone about royal obligations. Malin thought.

Then sunlight began to show. The kingdom of Arroyo would soon be awake. Malin headed home. He couldn't be late or his father would have his head. He didn't really want to pick a wife but he didn't have a choice in the matter. His father had already put up notices around the kingdom and told the town crier to announce it in the morning.

There would be a mess of women lined up in the throne room, and he would have to sort through them all. But the truth is that he is not interested in women at this point. He wanted to see all the things he is not allowed, he wanted adventure and excitement. Malin felt that a wife would slow him down. But if it ment doing what was right, he would do it. He would settle down, forever making Arroyo his home.

When he returned home he saw a line forming from the barrier to the castle. Malin knew there would be no way he could sneak to the castle. He had to figure out how to explain why he was out so early. Malin tried his hardest to go around the long way to the castle, but one of the ever desperate woman saw him. At this moment he was elated that he could out swim a great white shark. Malin was mobbed on the spot. When he made it to the throne room the royal advisor, Andreas, met him with a long list.

"Malin, where have you been!? Your late for the crown fitting. You also need to be-"

"Andreas please, I'll handle everything in a moment for now, where is my father?" Malin had a hypnotically sweet voice when he wanted to.

It was a trait he picked up from being prince and solving  problems. Andreas just pointed to the fitting room. He was getting fitted for his crown. Malin sat down next to his father. He got his head measured. The workers could have a person in and out in the blink of an eye. But his father would have the servants take there time. That's what makes him such a great king.

"Such a turn out to marry you off, my boy. You know I was quite desirable when I was your age. I drove the women crazy." Said King Maliq.

Malin knew his father must know about his concerns about the match making. His father also liked to talk about his younger, glory days. Before he knew it, it was time to face the crowd. Andreas announced they're entrance ever so formally.

"King Maliq of Arroyo, and Prince Malin of Arroyo."

Malin sat down on his throne. One after one, he waved them out. Some did things like sing or twirl, as if it was an audition for a beauty pageant. His father took on a worried face when his son was nearing the end of the line. When Malin dejected every woman in the kingdom that came. His father said nothing and just left.

Malin knew he was disappointed in him for not picking a wife. But this felt superficial to Malin. Having to pick a wife from women he'd met only moments before. He figured it best not to dwell on it too much. So he let his mind wonder to other places. As always it went back to the shore.

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