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Malin felt different some how. Not how he felt the first time he snuck out, but more thrilled. Perhaps it was the feeling of escaping death. Perhaps being friends with one the forbidden people. Either way he had so much to think about. What was this feeling of excitement and nervousness. Instead of going home, he went to the arena. Anything to burn off this new found energy.

Malin went in and found a partner. He thought to try his hand with a double edged dagger. It didn't take more than a moment to find a partner who wanted to take a shot at the prince. The men in in kingdom were upset about the ceremony of woman.

They weren't to fond of the idea that there daughters, sisters, in some cases even wives trying to marry the prince. It didn't matter Malin found nothing in the attempt. It makes sense they would flock to the arena. The perfect place to kill some anger.

But the poor souls didn't understand that Malin had nothing to do with the arrangement. His father was so fixed on the kingdom and not his son's happiness. His father was never good at the balance that comes with being a king and a father. Women were an object to his father, Malin never knew his mother. His father banished her after giving birth. Malin thought, that is the reasoning behind why the subjects are treated so well. He and to make up for it some how.

That would also be the reason he wanted Malin to get marry without his consent. He realized that he was paying no attention as to what was happening around him. He was cut by his opponent. Malin came back with a swift cut to the tail. Several more around his back. He'd won the match. But he knew he was in real trouble when the royal advisor came looking for him. This had only happened once before. It was when his father fell ill. This meant it was serious, Malin went to Andreas.

Instead of talking as usual, he was quite. If Andreas was quite this must be really bad. When they approached the castle Andreas said something to Malin's relief.

"Your father wants to see you in the throne room."

This wouldn't be a personal talk if it was held in the throne room. This was a matter of state. Malin walked in to see his father siting on his throne.

"Father what is this about?" Malin asked as he bowed.

Malin and King Maliq were almost uncannily similar in looks. Long hair although Maliq's was now grey rather than black. But they had the same dark blue tail. Maliq began.

"The prince is not to be crowned until he is wed. I have given him until the day before his Coronation to be married. If he is not, Prince Malin will have an arranged marriage. If he so chooses to refuse he will be banished from the Kingdom of Arroyo."

Malin could say nothing for it would be pointless and could be used against him for treason. He nodded. He only had four months to live in luxury before being exiled.

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