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After Malin returned home he spent the day in his bedroom. He pondered on Aimi's words. He could not figure out why she said what she said about his eyes. He went to a looking glass. He looked at his own eyes. He looked as he always looked.

Perhaps this is what she ment. He thought.

Could oneself be so used to their own sadness that they couldn't see it? Or feel it? He only ever felt something when he was with Amell. But he felt something different when Aimi kissed him. He felt angry that he let anyone else touch his lips. He wished he could see Amell but he didn't know where he went. Malin could travel the entire ocean looking for him. But it was safer that he stayed near what Amell called "the mainland".

Malin looked at himself in the mirror again. He wondered how anyone could love him. He didn't even love himself at most times.

"Malin I heard about you date with the Princess." His father's voice began to say. Malin didn't look up from the mirror.

"She said you swam off half way through. She said you told her about an unknown lover."

"What does that have to do with anything! She had no right telling you about anything!" Malin yelled.

He never thought she would tell his father such a thing. He left the room. He swam away to the shores. Malin soon realized he had know one to talk to. He just wanted to be away from the kingdom. He hated his father and hated her.

He just wanted to be alone. Malin had to think about how to handle this. The king would ask questions about the mystery lady. He had to keep up the illusion that Amell was a woman. Or he could continue to lie as he had been.

If I told father I ended it with the mystery woman so I could focus on Aimi. That lie would only hurt me in the end. No matter what I have to marry Aimi. He thought.

There was no way to get away from the arrangement. He had no choice. The only person Malin wanted was to be with Amell. It pained Malin to even think about how he couldn't be with him. He swam back home. King Maliq had not been looking for his son at all.

"Hello father." Malin said as he walked in. "I ended my secret relationship. I told her it wouldn't work."

"Do you plan to give Aimi all your time?" The king asked.

"Yes father, if what your asking is if I plan to marry her." Malin said looking down.

Maliq waved him out. Malin left.

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