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There was no doubt she was beautiful. She had long red hair, blue eyes and an purple tail. She had a grace that could swim on its own. This would be the woman Malin was to marry.

They got up and exchanged bows. Malin kept his eyes on Aimi. She looked nervous. He flashed her a smile to relive her nerves. She softened her expression. Then he plastered a huge fake grin on his own face.

"Why don't the Prince and the Princess get to know one another." Suggested King Dai. Malin knew his voice. It was the voice his father spoke to the other night.

"That would be a splendid idea." Said Malin before his father could get in a response.

He even looked right at King Maliq as he said it.

"Why don't you show her around the castle, as we attend business." Maliq nodded.

The heads of the families went into the other room. That just left Malin and Aimi. He kept up his smile and said:

"Why don't we start in the gardens, although not even they could match your beauty." He lead her outside.

"Prince Malin it is a pleasure to meet you." Aimi said. She said it just loud enough for him to hear.

He stopped and turned to look at her.

"You have no reason to be nervous. I am a nice person, you know." He said. She smiled at him weakly.

"Have you considered marriage with anyone one your own yet?" She asked.

Malin didn't know how to respond. He hadn't considered marrying Amell. Although he was sure he was in love with him. He must have taken too long to answer. Because princess Aimi said this:

"So you have. What's her name?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. It's a bit of a secret." She was taken aback for a bit. Then gave an understanding look to him.

They both knew that this was a temporary agreement. If he did married in the short time span, he would be rejecting her and that would be the end of it and they would never see each other again.

"So do you love her?" Aimi asked.

They were in the courtyard now. He gestured for her to sit on a bench. He sat next to her and considered his next words.

"I need to be honest with you. I don't really know what love feels like. But I do know that when I'm with...her I feel something different, new, and it's exciting." He looked down at his hands.

"She sounds amazing." Aimi said.

"Do you have anyone that makes you feel that way?" Malin asked.

He looked into her eyes.

"N-no, not yet anyway." Aimi had turned red.

"Why don't I show you the rest of the castle."  He moved quickly.

Malin was uncomfortable with the way she looked at him. The same way he looked at Amell. He continued with his father's wishes. The heads came out to greet them once again. They bowed and said there goodbyes. The castle was now the same as it always has been. Quite.

The king left for his quarters. Malin left for the shore. He raised his head above the water. Then he remembered that he was supposed to get Amell a present. He swam back down. Malin looked frantically for anything that made him think of Amell. In the end he settled. He was soon back on the way to the shore.

When Amell saw Malin a sigh of relief was let out. Malin laid down his head on the wood of the pier.

"I was starting to worry that you weren't coming." Amell said as he stroked Malin's hair.

"I got cought up at the castle. Remember when I told you about my marriage. Well today I met her."

Malin didn't look at Amell. He was ashamed.

"It's okay. I understand that you have to do these types of things. Even if you don't want too."

Amell kissed Malin.

The feeling of magic came again. Then it started to rain. Malin pulled away. He looked at the sky. He was confused at the concept.

"What is happing?" Malin asked Amell.

"It's rain. It's water that falls from the sky." Amell went to kiss Malin again.

Malin stopped him.

"I brought you something." Malin had been holding the present in his hand under the water. He presented it to Amell.

"But while getting it realized I don't know anything about you." Amell smiled.

He opened the wet wrapping. It was a necklace with a carved metal fish as a pendent. He put it on.

"This is great. I have something to tell you, I'm gonna be gone for the next week or so. I work on that boat there." He pointed to the ship.

"When do you leave?" Malin looked up with sad eyes. He hated the thought of not seeing Amell

"Tomorrow morning. But don't be sad. Be happy I love the sea. The smell, the sound the water brushing against my face, the wind whipping my hair. Everything. If you come at sunrise you'll be able to see me."

"You'll be back in a week?"

"I promise." Amell said.

This gave a relief to Malin. He grabed Amell and hugged him. Neither of them wanted to let go.

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