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He woke up the next morning, more confused than ever. He wanted to go to the shore more than ever. He wanted to see Amell. He spent the morning making a plan to get out of the kingdom. He never left the room. Andreas must have been worried about him. Because he eventually just barraged in without consent.

"Good morning Prince Malin." Andreas said.

"Morning Andreas." Malin replied.

"Is it a good one sir?"

"It's a morning. Andreas I need a favor. I want to get out of the castle." He said with the slightest hint of excitement.

But Andreas didn't pick it up.

"I'm sorry sir but have you tried leaving?"

Of course not it's a death sentence. Malin thought.

"Okay fine, I'll try then." He waved Andreas out.

"One last thing, your father wants to met you for breakfast."

Ohh what could he possibly want now. He headed down to the dinning hall.

His father was at the head of the table, surrounded by his women. Malin sat down at the other end. His father was too busy ravishing his women to notice him at first. Malin cleared his throat loudly.

"Good morning, son." Said King Maliq.

Malin said nothing in return. He figured out that this must have something to do with yesterday's decree. Malin though it was disgusting how his father did such a thing so openly. He just used the woman for his own deviant means.

"I know these terms are less than ideal, but you need to motivation to be married. I saw it as an opportunity in some regard. A way to help you."

"Yes father, you really helped. You helped push me to a fate I'm not really sure I want. To be with a person I'll never love. Just for your own satisfaction of having you wife and son exiled." Malin screamed.

With that Malin stormed out.

He went to the kitchen to get some food then left the kingdom. He traveled to the shore, once again. When he got there he could hardly believe his eyes. Amell was sitting on the thing he called a pier. He got that feeling again. He hide behind a rock trying to think of something to say.

This was all do new to him. After a while Malin stopped thinking about it. He got up the courage to say hello. He swam over and poked his head out, only so much that anything above the water his eyes could see. Amell must have seen him because he seemed to wave Malin over. He got closer to Amell. Malin found this nerve racking.

"Your Malin the odd creature from the sea. I have so many questions from our last encounter. Like are you an average specimen of your species, for starters. I've been one the sea since I was a young boy, but I've never seen one of you." Amell said.

Malin had no idea of how to respond to the flood of questions. So he considered them carefully.

"Okay, I'm as curious about you as you are me. We can make a deal. We'll take turns asking questions. But please know that I can not tell you everything."

Malin had thought this as an opportunity to learn more of  what's so new to him.

"As for the first question I am an above average specimen. I swim faster, I'm skilled with many weapons, and by most standers good looking."

Malin replied. They went into a back and fourth of questions for the rest of the day.

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