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"So you are a what you call human. You have legs and can swim just not very well. You walk with your legs. You use a object that floats that you call a boat, used to travel long distances by sea. Am I correct?" Malin asked Amell.

The sun was setting and they had almost learned everything to learn about each other's worlds. Malin was resting his head on the pier at this point. He was hanging on Amell's every word.

"You live underwater but you can not say where. You have a tail and call yourself a merman. You are also a Prince." Amell said.

Malin nodded to this new knowledge. He could hardly believe he had a new friend. But the feeling he had never subsidised.

"Malin why can't you tell me everything about you?" Amell asked.

"It's complicated. I'm not even supposed to leave the kingdom. Much less trust someone who I shouldn't be talking to." Malin explained.

"That makes some amount of sense. But if you tell me I'll give you my word to never tell anyone about you. I would never break my word."

"If you want the truth, I live in the kingdom of Arroyo. I have to be married in four months time or I'll be exiled." This pained Malin to say.

"Do you have anyone in mind at all? Or do you just not want to be married." Malin began to explain how he had no interest in women.

It was the first time he said it aloud. But he still couldn't figure out what his own problem was. It was also the first time anyone listened to what he had to say. He was heard. Whilst explaining to Amell his problems he thought about them. Malin now realized that his problem with women wasn't new. He'd never been attracted to them, and now he was so infatuated with a man from another world. This terrified him.

"I'm sorry but I must be leaving soon." Malin said.

"Really? Will you come again tomorrow?"

"Perhaps." Said Malin as he slipped his way into the depths of the ocean.

On the way back he thought more about his own fear.

I can't hate all mermaids. I still need to find a wife. It can't be that hard. But I also need to figure out why I have a special feeling when I see Amell or when I even think of him for that matter.

He knew as to where he could look for answers. When he returned everything was normal. The kingdom went on. No one was looking for Malin. He went into the palaces' royal library. He wanted to read fairy tales and biology books. He thought he could deduced what love was from them.

Of course, he also knew that this could not work out the way he wanted. But as blind as Malin was, he couldn't see what could possibly go wrong.

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