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Malin learned nothing after staying up all night. Anything he learned was as useless as a fighting a rock. The love in fairy tales is superficial and fake. The biology books explained science and facts.

The biology books were somewhat useful they explained the feeling of when you have affection for someone. Malin though.

He looked through it again. It showed the same symptoms of what he felt when he thought of Amell. Sweaty palms, faster heart rate, among others. This was what the book called the urged to captured a mate. In short the symptoms of love.

Malin was surprised at his own feelings. He was as terrified at what would his father say. More importantly what would Amell say. Malin closed the books and headed off to bed when he swam into some of the castle servants. Some of the women giggled as he walked past. Malin couldn't figure out why for the life of him. He checked himself and found nothing wrong with him. Maybe they wanted to marry him. Malin thought about this as he went to his quarters.

I could get married and do what my father did. No, I can't. I want to be nothing like him. I can find a wife and stay married to her, but still visit Amell.

This was an interesting idea nonetheless. If he could do such a thing. That would mean he would live a lie. When he laid down and drifted to sleep he had sweet dreams of Amell.

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