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Malin woke up while the sky was still dark. He took some food from the kitchen, and headed for the shore. When he got there the ship was on the water and moving. People were lining the pier and the shore. He envied the fact that they could be seen. It hurt Malin that Amell was leaving.

But he liked the pain. It made him feel alive. He swam with the boat for as long as he could. When his fins gave out he slowly returned home. Andreas was waiting for him. Malin didn't want to put up with the nonsense of his life right now. He wanted to lay in bed and look at the blade. He wanted to be alone.

"Princess Aimi of Caspian requests your presents for a lunch date. If you would please go there, it would be much appreciated. She likes you, you know." Andreas said.

Malin turned around to go to the guard that was to escort him from place to place. He almost never used them as a resource. But today he thought he should take them, to look good. Caspian was very different from Arroyo. The palace was the biggest difference. The palace had more outdoor areas. There was no visible arena. Malin went inside the palace. She was happily waiting for him. Malin was still sad about Amell's departure.

"Welcome to Caspian, Prince Malin." Aimi said.

"Malin, just Malin is fine." He said.

"Yes of course....Malin. Come, let's enjoy this beautiful day. I have a picnic set up in the gardens." She lead him outside.

The garden had a slightly different selection of plants from the one in Arroyos'. Aimi lead him to a wonderfully set up lunch. He felt horrible because he knew he wouldn't be good company at the moment.

"Malin are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm...I'm fine." He said. He didn't want her to know anything about his personal affairs.

"Your lying. I know you are." Aimi said.

"I am not. Even so how would you be able to tell?"

"Your eyes. They say much more than words. But your eyes are interesting. Your eyes are sad. You haven't been fine for a long time." Aimi explained.

Are my eyes really so telling? Malin thought.

"I like you because your sad." She continued.

Aimi moved closer to Malin. Malin didn't know how to react. The only ever person he'd been this close to was Amell. She kissed Malin. It wasn't sweet like it was when he kissed Amell. It wasn't bitter either. It was different. Malin didn't enjoy it. He felt dirty even. He did something that might hurt Amell. Aimi pulled away. She looked at him. She was turning red. Malin didn't know what to say.

What could he say? Malin shook his head. Aimi looked up at him. Malin swam away. He hid deep within the palace. He was lost soon enough. He didn't mind he was away from her.

Malin's thoughts and feelings had nothing to do with her. Malin knew that Amell was the only one he could really speak to, and trust. Malin held his chest. He could feel his heart hurting. This would hurt Amell if he ever found out.

I vow here and now to never tell Amell anything that could ever hurt him. Malin thought.

He tried to find Aimi to apologize. She was in the garden alone. She looked confused.

"I didn't mean to swim off like that."

"No. It's, it's okay. You told me your heart belonged to another. I should have listed." She said.

It hadn't crossed Malin's mind that she could have possibly like him. At least not until moments ago.

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