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His father was upset, to say the least with him. Malin just ran away as he did any other time with his problems. He only did this to recuperate and think of a proper solution to his problems. Sadly this was a problem that couldn't be fixed.

He was the only heir to the throne and he couldn't even find a wife. He was fast on his way back down to the shore. He was so hung up on leaving he went too fast. When Malin tried to stop it was too late.

The net had already cought hold of him. It was terrifying. Malin had heard stories and warnings about the shores. He figured that it would never happen to him. He was careful, but apparently not careful enough. The fear was paralyzing.

He couldn't move or struggle to get away. Malin knew it was the end of his life. This would be the first encounter with the people of the shore anyone has ever had. And it would be the end of his life. He was being reeled in. He heard a voice.

"I got a big haul for fishing off a pier." A voice said.

The flow of the water was ripped from his skin. It felt awful. He tried to stop himself by planting his hands in the sand but it didn't help. Malin looked up to see that his soon to be killer was the same man whom he watched form afar the night before. The blond man reached for something in his pocket. It was a blade. Silver, and pointed at him.

"Wh-what are you?" He said.

Malin was too petrified to respond.

"Can you understand me? Either way I'm about to get really close to you, I'm going to cut you out of this net." The blond man stepped closer to him, slowly.

When Malin could finally speak he said "Please help me."

The man was taken aback by the pleas.

"So you can understand me? What is your name at least." Asked the blonde man as he started to cut the rope.

"Malin, my name is Malin." He said with a lump stuffed in his throat.

"Malin, a name only a mother could love."

The blond man let out a little smile in light of his own joke. Malin was still fearful but something compelled him to talk to the blond man.

"So Malin, what are you anyways?"

"You have me at a disadvantage, you know my name and I don't yet know yours." Malin said.

"Amell, my name is Amell. I live here on the mainland. Now what about you?" Amell asked.

"I can't tell you where I live." Malin responded.

If Malin did it could harm the whole kingdom. They were quite as Amell cut the rest of the net. Malin started hyperventilating. He couldn't breath out of the water for too long. Amell must have seen as much. Amell tried to cut Malin out faster. When Malin was finally free. He rolled quickly back into the water. The feeling of being submerged again was bliss.

Malin looked back up from the water. He wasn't sure why. He could still see Amell. He swam back up to him. Amell looked relieved to see his fast friend back where he belongs.

"I am a merman. I live under the water." Malin said. He started to swim away.

"Will I ever see you again!?" Amell called.

Malin didn't even think about his response he already knew the answer.

"Of course, I'll see you before you see me!"

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