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He was driving himself mad swimming in circles in his room. His father wanted the impossible from him. Still his mind went to the shore. It was the only place he felt alive anymore, even more so when he thought of Amell.

Malin was infatuated by the young man. Just the thought of him made Malin feel like he never has before. Malin wanted to see him again. He wondered if Amell would be there if he went to see him. Malin thought about leaving again.

It would be risky due to the fact Maliq was upset with his son. That made it harder to go anywhere. He couldn't even go out to the courtyard without being questioned by the royal guard. Malin has been many things but never explicitly defiant. He almost always did as he was told, but in his own way of course. One of the few things he was astonishing at doing.

None the less Malin wanted to get out of this miserable place he called home. This pressure was enough to drive anyone mad. To find someone to marry in the matter of four months, the whole idea is just absurd. He didn't even know what love felt like. It wasn't likely he could ask his father. Malin was pretty sure he'd never felt love either. The more Malin thought about it, the more confused he got. He started to list the things he loved.

He loved his father, the kingdom, freedom, the shore. Perhaps the last thing is what he loved most. But these things were all superficial.

This is a list of things that I love. But I want to know how it feels to be in love. Malin thought.

Then he thought about Amell. He once again, got an odd feeling. His heart started to race, and he got hot. He thought he was feeling ill so he laid down. Malin tried to remember the details of Amell's face. Ice blue eyes that are almost grey, long blonde hair, and little traces of facial hair. It was remarkable feat that he remembered so much about Amell considering the amount of fear he was in, and the fact he only saw him once.

Malin thought about nothing more than death in that moment. But when Amell spoke to him he'd calmed down. Their was something sickling calm about his voice. It was like his own when he wanted to play nice. It was simple and sweet. Malin then began to think about making love which was an entirely different affection.

To make love one must be in love right? But his father hadn't been in love to make love.

This as much, he knew.

Maybe father was in love when he made me. Perhaps his father loved his mother then didn't anymore.

This confused Malin the most.

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