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Malin had never been so sure of any thing in his life. He was in love. For the first time he actually knew he was in love. There was only one difference. He always thought it would be with with a woman. But he knows now that love knows no bounds. Yet, soon he would be bounded to Amell.

"How will we do this?" Malin asked.

"We just say how much we love one other. We don't have rings or a contract, but we know where our hearts lie." Amell said.

Amell jumped off the pier into the water. He put a hand on Malin's cheek. They were both scared and so sure of themselves at the same time. This is what they wanted.

"Malin, all I ever want to do is make you happy. I know that we can't always be together but knowing that you love me....it is the most amazing feeling I'll ever have. Malin if I say nothing but lies to you for the rest of my life, please know that this is the truth. I love you."

"Amell. I don't really quite understand love. But I feel so much better when I'm around you than with anyone else. You make me want to do and be everything I can for you. Your the only person who ever listened to me. Your the only person who loves me, and I'm in love with you too."

The kissed. The most passionate kiss known to man or merperson. Malin stayed with Amell until the wee hours of the morning. Amell couldn't stand to be in the frigid night water anymore. It tore both there hearts a small bit when Malin swam away.

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