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The palace was full of hustle and bustle on the morning of the wedding. Malin was next to his father getting his crown fitted again. King Maliq was doing all he could to calm his son's nerves.

Malin didn't notice. He was thinking about the guilt he had for doing this. Malin thought he was hurting Amell in some subconscious way. His mind went to the shore. This was more of a defense mechanism than a fantasy now. He thought of Amell. The softness of his blond hair. The way Amell touched him in the late night.

These were happy thoughts. The next thought was a scary one. Malin would be confined to this woman that he hated for the rest if his life. He would have to learn to stand her.

"Malin you have nothing to fear. You agreed to this. Besides she loves you." King Maliq said. Just before he left. He had to go manage the ceremony and take his seat.

Malin couldn't help but feel hurt. He had waited so long for this moment, the moment that filled him with dread. It gave him such a sick feeling. The love he never wanted. The love Aimi would always give him.

He was waiting for her at the alter. Malin knew he could never love some one's daughter. But he would always be in love with a man. But he could never tell anyone for fear of being exiled.

They were standing together. Malin had a sad look in his eyes. Yet he smiled. She was happy.

"Princess Aimi do you take Prince Malin of Arroyo to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Asked Andreas who was officiating the wedding.

"I do." She replied. Malin slipped a ring on her finger. She singed the contract to wed them.

"Prince Malin do you take Princess Aimi of Caspian to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked again.

Everything in Malin told him to scream no and swim off to the shore to be with Amell. He wanted to leave all of this and be with the one he loved.

"I do."

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