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After he left Caspian and entered the palace, Malin headed out in his bedroom. He decided to get rid of the last thing that reminded him of Amell. The blade. He would leave it on the beach. This was his way of leaving that life.

He calmed himself. This would be the last time. He went especially late to ensure that he would never see Amell. He couldn't bare to think about the way they embraced.

He left the kingdom. It was refreshing to swim in open water again. Once Malin got to the shore he stroked the blade. It saddened him that he had to leave it.

"This is what I get. I'm an idiot for thinking it would ever work. Now here I am skipping rocks." Amell said as he threw a rock across the ocean.

Malin was surprised to hear that voice. Malin actually missed it much more than he ever thought possible. Malin didn't realized that Amell was as heart broken as he was. They both needed a taste of closure. Malin would do what is fair, to turn the blade over in person.

Malin had no idea what he could say to him. Or if he could even get words out. Just hearing Amell's voice made him want to break down. This was his last chance to be any type of happiness. Malin would say everything he thought about saying to him in the last month.

"I'm sorry." Malin whispered.

Amell must have hear him. Amell responded almost immediately.

"Malin, is that you?" Amell asked.

Malin revealed himself as he had done so many times before. He put the blade on the pier just before he rested his head. Malin's long black hair resting on top his face.

Amell pulled Malin's hair back. Amell didn't know how to react. He was mad, sad, happy, and heartbroken all at once.

"Why have you come back? To taunt me? T-to hurt me more than you already have?  I can barely stand to look at you any more Malin." Amell said with anger.

Malin considered his next words carefully. The both of them were emotionally unstable at the moment.

"I'm sorry. I truly am sorry. I never should have come back here. This is the last time I'll ever come here. I just wanted to return this." Malin pointed to the blade.

"Well then, I guess I'm sorry too." Amell reached down and kissed Malin.

It had felt like eternity since they last felt each other's warm embrace. It was an excitement like never before.

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