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A week past. Malin was waiting all day for Amell to come back. He needed to see him. They needed to talk. When the ship arrived Malin was anxious. He saw Amell walk into the maze of buildings. He was carrying many bags with him. He waited for night to fall. Amell came running to the pier. Malin looked out above the water. Amell kissed him. Malin pulled away. They were close enough to feel one another's shakes in between breaths.

"Amell we need to talk. I have to get married very soon." He whispered.

"What dose that have to do with us? I'll still see you."

"No. I fear not. I came here to end it. End this. I can't be with you anymore."

"You'll be living a lie. Malin, I love you." Amell said.

"Amell you don't know me. You can't love me."

"I know that your an amazing man."

Amell pulled farther away. He walked into the shallow water. He stood next to Malin. He kissed him again. Amell fell onto Malin. They were almost submerged in the cold water.

"Amell I missed you very much. But this can't happen anymore." Malin said.

Amell looked at Malin. He looked as if something broke inside him. He knew Malin couldn't do this forever. Malin had royal duties. This was the first time he'd taken initiative. Then Malin felt Amell's warm touch again.

"You have been the only thing I've thought about for a week." Amell said. "Now you just leave me?"

Malin knew that he would die without the touch of Amell. This made Malin begin to cry.

"I can't. I just can't. This has to end. If you really love me you wouldn't make it harder that this has to be."

With that, Malin swam back home.

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