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The wedding was to be held in the morning. Malin had been doing a masterful performance of keeping Aimi oblivious to the matter of his secret marriage to Amell. Malin felt terrible for lying to her in such a way. She was nothing but honest with him.

The night was still young. Malin wanted to visit Amell before the ceremony in the morning. The palace was full of servants making last minute preparations for the wedding. Aimi and the rest of the Caspian royals were in various rooms.

Malin had never been one for anxiety. But tonight he was petrified. Malin ignored those feelings and followed his heart back to the shores. Malin and Amell met together almost everyday. The only reason they wouldn't be together is if Amell had to ship off, or Malin had to attend some royal duties.

Malin hardly slept anymore but it was a small price to pay for happiness. He left his room. He looked down the hallway to make sure that no one was in them. He couldn't risk being cought, especially not tonight.

But he did see someone. Aimi was in the hallway. She was going towards his room. He hurried and closed the door before she came. There was a soft knock on the door. He opened it.

"Malin, I can't possibly sleep. Not tonight. We'll be married in the morning. It's too exciting." Aimi said with a beaming smile.

If Malin didn't get her to bed soon he wouldn't be able to see Amell.

"My dear, if you don't sleep tonight tomorrow will only seem further away. So please try and sleep." Malin said in a sweet voice.

She nodded then kissed Malin. No matter how many times she kissed him, he hated it. He hated the taste, the feel. He even went as far as wiping his mouth after she left his room.

He wait for what seemed like ages to make sure she was gone and he was alone. When he finally was, he sped out of the castle as soon as possible.

When Malin got to the shore Amell was already waiting for him. Malin rested his head on the pier as he has all those times before.

"You do know what tomorrow is, I assume." Malin said.

"You won't stop talking about it. It's your wedding day. The one that doesn't really count. I'm the only person that you really love, right." Amell let out a smirk.

"You know your the only person I'll ever love." Malin reached up to kiss Amell. Amell put his finger in front of there lips just before they touched.

"You've never told me her name." Amell said.

"Why do you want her name?" Malin whispered.

"I should at least get to know who I'm losing you to."

"But your not losing me. We're married remember?"

"Please tell me." Amell begged.

"Her name is Aimi. She's from a kingdom not far from my own. She is beautiful." Malin explained.

"Do you like it when she kisses you. I assume she did kiss you."

"She has. I hate it. I hate the feeling. I even wipe my lips when she leaves." Malin admitted.

"You won't want to wipe this away." Amell kissed Malin.

Amell hopped down into the water. He held Malin all thought the night. Helping him easy away the anxiety of the marriage in the morning.

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