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Malin woke up to the dark. He must have sleep through the entire day. He wanted to stay asleep. The dream he had was magical. It was about Amell and him. He wanted to leave. He looked out to the halls. Not a soul to be seen. He started to sneak out of the castle when he heard his father talking to someone.

"Your daughter is on board with the arrangements?" The king asked the mystery person.

"Yes she is and this will benefit both our kingdoms if your son follows through. We will be a major power."

"He will, he has no choice. He can't find a wife on his own and I have aided him all I could. He'll be exiled if he doesn't follow through." Said the King.

Malin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He almost wanted to barge in and shout at them. But he stayed in control of his anger. He just left as he planned to. He swam faster than he ever has before. He wanted nothing to do with his father. He wanted nothing to do with the kingdom of Arroyo.

He wanted to live his life his way. But he couldn't because he was born into the royal bloodline. On most days he'd wish he wasn't born at all. When he got to the shore Amell wasn't there. Malin didn't mind to much. He wanted to be alone anyway. He began to cry.

He didn't exactly why but he knew it was something he wanted to get out of his system. He felt like no one really understood him. He didn't understand himself very well either. Malin could hardly recognize himself anymore. He may have looked the same on the outside but there was a storm of confusion and turmoil on the inside. Malin wiped his tears, but no matter have many times he did more came. He sat and cried for hours. He quickly stopped when he heard footsteps. He wanted to see who it was but he was afraid.

"Malin, Malin are you here? I brought you something."

It was Amell. Malin looked above the pier. His eyes were red. Tears still streaming down.

"Malin are you okay? What happened?" Amell knelt down on the pier.

Malin did and said nothing. Amell reached behind him and got the cloth bag. Amell knew Malin was crying so he ripped off a piece and wiped his tears with it. Amell took out what was in the bag. Keeping the bag in his other hand. What happened next surprised the both of them.

Malin splashed out of the water and held on to Amell. Then kissed him. Amell didn't know how to react. His eyes grew wide. Amell just held on to him. Malin had never felt so free, and happy. He just didn't know if Amell was in love with him too. After Malin let go, there was a split second of silence between them. Until Amell spoke.

"Here. It's a fine knife with a scabbard." He said as he held out the item to Malin.

He blushed bright red. Malin had no idea he cared. He felt that he should say something. It came out to be "I'm sorry." Malin hung his head in shame after what he did. He knew it was wrong.

"There is nothing to be sorry for."

Amell said as he raised Malin's chin with the slightest of touches.

"Or ashamed of, for that matter." Amell kissed Malin this time.

The taste was sweet, and the feeling was mutual. This was a relief to Malin. They pulled apart once more. Still close enough to feel one another's breath. It made Malin feel alive.

"When can I see you again? When can we do this again?" Malin asked.

He wanted to come back.

"Everyday you can." Amell replied.

Malin nodded. He took Amell's gift an head home. His heart was light with love. He went straight for his room in the castle. He took out the blade. It was beautiful. It was silver with engravings of flowers and fish on it. Even the scabbard was outfitted with vines. He wasn't sure if he would ever use it. But he knew as much to keep it out of sight. There was a knock on the door. Then without any warning or consent Andreas barged into his room. Malin had no time to hide the blade so he held it behind his back.

"You haven't come down to eat since yesterday morning Prince Malin." Andreas said as he set down a tray of food. "Are you feeling alright?"

Malin nodded his head. He kept his hands firmly behind his back. But since he mentioned it Malin was feeling a bit peckish. The adrenaline he had was masking his hunger. He kept the item out of Andreas's view until he left the room. Then he hid it under his pillow.

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