Chapter 15

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Whew! It was incredibly sad writing that chapter, and the one before, because I also had to rewrite chapter 13 like three to five times, I'm not really sure. Well, I feel really typie, I have no idea weather or not that is a real word or not, but I'm gonna use it anyways. I'm giving you this chapter, also I will update tomorrow, but I will update twice if I get 20 comments by 3:05 pm. Thanks, luvs ya all! THIS CHAPTER WILL BE REALLY HAPPY SO IF YOU CRY (you may) THEN IT WILL BE TEARS OF JOY! That needs to be said! Okay, also I fixed the last chapter, so go back and reread it please, I only changed some weird typos that were probably confusing, and what Tris said to Tobias at the funeral. Byeeeeee, but don't forget to read the chapter, sorry. Still Toby's POV.

"Oh my gosh Tris, why didn't you say anything? Were you actually dead? Did you hear my speech? What woke you up?" I ask, bombarding her with questions.

"Whoa! Okay, well I couldn't move, no I just had a really really really dim heartbeat, yes, your kiss gave me all the strength to pull myself out of it, and I think it was a coma, but I'm not a doctor, so yeah." she says back. 

"Wow, how'd you remember all of those questions, I didn't," I ask, amazed.

"I don't really know,"

"Oh well, we should get your parents and everyone, and you should get out of your coffin, because, well you know,"

"Ya, but remember, I still have lung cancer, so I'm going to need my machine, to help me breathe." she says climbing out of her coffin. 

"I'll carry you," I say picking her up.

"Thanks, I'm already out of breath. and can you help me with something else?" she asks


"Can you make sure no one touches me, I hurt EVERYWHERE, and I know my parents and Chrissy are gonna want hugs, but tell them I said NO!"


"Thanks, and I'll try to stay awake so they don't think you are a lunatic," she says laughing.

"That's a good idea." And we head out to the area where Tris will be berried, the graveyard across the street from the church. I yell to everyone, "Hey guys!" they all turn to look at me, because just a little while ago, I was bawling my eyes out,"Tris is alive!" and she takes the floor. "Hi everyone!" and she waves. The stampede runs in towards us. I quickly run to my car, and lock it. I can't even drive, they are blocking my path. I honk my horn. Beeeeeep! They all clear, and I go to the hospital, for Tris' oxygen tank, which she named Toby. I thought that was so sweet, she said it was named Toby because that was the thing helping her survive. 

When we arrive at the hospital, they are very confused. "But I thought she died? How is she still alive?" the doctor asks.

"She was never dead, just in a coma, and her heart beat was really faint. Also, please get this beautiful young lady her oxygen machine, she needs it to live!" I say, very annoyed.

"Yes of course, sorry my mistake on the whole 'death situation'!"

I just mumble, "Fine, whatever," and she just giggles. I look at her and kiss her cheek. She blushes. The doctor puts in the nubbins, and she says she was sleepy, so we lay down on the bed. She cuddles next to me, into my chest. It felt good, her warm body heat. And then it hit me, she still had cancer. And I was going to make her infinity as long as it possibly can be, no matter what I'd have to do, I'd do everything I could. I then fell into a dreamless sleep of our perfect infinity. It made me realize how I fell in love with her, and that one day when we were five I talked about at my funeral. I fell in love with her how you fall asleep, slowly, and then all at once.

Sorry it's short! I promise, her cancer will go away. I PROMISE! Bye luvs ya all! Don't forget:  I will update tomorrow, but I will update twice if I get 20 comments by 3:05 pm. ~Lily :)

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