Chapter 14

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Ok I know this reminded you guys of a mix between Allegiant and TFIOS, and I know it's sad, but I always love when something happy makes me totally forget, so I hope you can forgive me. I didn't think you guys really cared that much, so I'm greateful for all of you, and I LOVE comments!!!! Please tell me i fthis makes you feel better, and again, I just had to somehow get out my sadness that I'm still feeling. But the book called This Star Won't Go Out (TSWGO) made me cry, but I feel better now. I know that you guys want something happy, so here it is, and again a lot of TFIOS quotes!!!! Still Toby's POV.

I feel like I'm about to die. Tris, the one person I truly loved, other than my mother and my best friend Zeke. I miss her so much! I want to die to be with her! I let out all my tears. Even Marcus liked Tris and her family. He's crying over her death as well. As a matter of fact, everyone is that knew her. It's really hard. Tomorrow is her funeral, and it will be hard to keep mhy sanity, and there's no doubt that I'll cry. The day she died she was so calm, as I was told. After everyone got a chance to visit, she fell asleep, you know having cancer makes you tired. She just got sicker, then was unable to have visitors, only family, even Caleb. It was hard hearing that news, and I was the first of her friends that got that news really early in the morning. I just sat there, until my dad came in, and he told me why he beat me, and I still don't like what he did, but he told me that he was preparing me for life, and trying to make me ready for things life brought to me. It didn't work, and he knows, and wishes to take all of it back, but it's to late.

I get dresses in an all black suit and a light blue/gray tie, to match her eyes, my shirt is white. I grab my paper that I will read, and go over it. It's so hard to watch someone you love die, because you'll always wish for them, and want to tell them sonething, but hen you realize, they are gone forever. I hop into our, coincidentally black, car.

The funeral is an open casket, I wanted to be the last one to look at her, before they burry her, so I will be. I'm going to kiss her one last time, even though most say the dead are gross to touch and look at, I bet she will be beautiful.

I wait until it's my turn to go up and I speak loud and clear, "Tris, I've known you all my life, and I loved the beautiful girl you were ever since I met you when we were five. I remember you saying something to me when I fell and scraped my knee, 'it's okay! Toby it's gonna be okay! Hey look at me, look.' And I looked into those beautiful eyes, 'life is like a roller coaster that only goes up, well sometimes, the really difficult times, it will go down, but it will go in loops, and back up again, and you'll end up okay in the end. Don't worry' and I just fell in love with her instantly. I just miss her so I you can hear me Tris, I love you." and I walk off the stage, sobbing, silently. I sat in the back, purposely. and I just cry.

When it's rime too walk by the casket, the only people in the room are he gang and Tris' parents. I go over and talk to her, "I love you, and I never stopped and I never will. I will never date, or love, or marry anyone, other than you. Okay?" I take her hand, kiss it, her cheek, kiss it, a tear rolls down my cheek on to her face, I kiss it away, and then I kiss her lips. I back away. and sit next to the casket, thinking about how life would go on. I couldn't think of any good way it would.

After an hour or so, I go back to say goodbye, forever, and I see her eye twich, but I think I'm imagining it, but I stay looking at her. Her chest moves, I move closer, to see if I can feel her breath. Nothing. Then she opens her eyes. She's alive! Oh my gosh!

"Okay." and she kisses me. wait till they all hear about this!

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