Chapter 20

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This is for Olivia- @liv18leo, I can't figure out how I dedicated last time, so I'm just going to write it. Thanks for the ideas! This is for you. 

I wake up, about maybe four, five hours later, and see that the TV is still on. It's a movie; Twilight, Eclipse. Oh. My. God. He is obsessed! I yell at him, "Toibas Eaton! No more Twilight for you today!" and I take the remote and hit pause, right when Bella is about to punch Jacob. It looks really funny. 

"No! I was watching that!"

"I know, that's why I turned it off!" 

"Well, that wasn't very nice." he says, pouting.

"Well, I'm not nice so ya, deal with it!"

"Well, you're just like Bella! Ya! Look, see? She's punching Jacob, and that's not nice. It's something you would do."

"Well, you," I press play and fast forward to the part where Edward is being really protective over Bella, and he's about to kill Jacob. "Are exactly like Edward. See you, you get super over protective me, and you, you get all up in other people's faces, and almost kill them. That's what you do, like Edward." 

"Ya, he loves her, just as I love you."

"Why? Seriously, every time you do that!"

"Do what?"

"Make me fall for you, by saying 'I love you'"

And in that quick instant, like a flame hitting gasoline, I was kissing my small, dry, cracked lips against his incredibly soft ones. And on the TV, which I must have pressed fast forward, then play, so were Bella and Edward. It was funny, so I giggled against his mouth, and he asked, "What?"

"Look up," I command, and he does, laughing. "Did you skip some o my movie?"

"It was an accident!"

"Well, nice timing."

"Thank you." I said, bowing my head, my short, boy-like hair falling into my eyes. I then wipped my hair back up, the hair falling back into place. 

"I love your hair."

"Oh, well thanks, but I liked it long."

"Ya, I could play with it more, and it was so pretty. But now, I can run my hands through it faster, I really saves time."

"You're creeping me out," I say.

"What time is it?"

"Um, 12:06, why?"

"I have to go! Marcus!"

"Oh, I'm coming." I says forcibly.

"No, you'll get hurt. I can't let that happen."


"No." he says, very sternly, kind of scary.

"Fine, but come back,  RIGHT AWAY!"


"I mean it, like if you aren't back in 10 minutes, I'm coming after you."


"I'm serious."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye, be careful!"

"Bye." and he walks out.

I have this terrible feeling, deep in my gut, and I know that he's not going to be okay. I go over to my window, and look over to his, looking at his room, the empty bed, the glass sculpture of falling water, his lit black lamp, the hard wood floor, through the open curtains. I then see what I never hoped to see. Marcus. He walked into Tobias' room, an arm around his neck. He looked me into the eye, and smiled. He did this on purpose. And then I see a glimpse of something shiny flash the air, a knife. I scream in horror, and my fast thinking mind kicks in. I have a plan. I fall to my knees, crying, but for real, because I'm scared about Toby. I army crawl to the door, and they can't see me because I'm off to the side, out of view from the window. I feel out of breath, but keep going, for Toby. I'm downstairs, and I grab my home phone and call 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My-my boyfriend's dad, across the street, is holding a knife against his thought."

"Ok, what's the address?"

"107 Abnegation Drive."

"There are cops on the way. Can you stay on the phone and keep an eye on them? Make sure they are out of view of you on the phone."

"Yes, I can do that."

"Okay, can you see them now?"

"No, hold on." and I walk up to my room, and army crawl to the window. And I see Marcus hit one final hit on a beaten up, bloody, bruised Tobias. And he falls to the floor, and I scream in pain, from my heart. 

"What? What happened?" the lady on the other end says.

"He-he hit him, and he fell." I say, crying.

"They are almost there, hold on." she reassures me.

"O-okay." I say, still sobbing on the ground. But I pull myself to look up.

I see Marcus turned looking at the door. I see a hand reach up and grab a bloody knife off the shiny cracked wood nightstand. Toby's. He stands up, and this shocks Marcus. He looks over to me and nods. 

"H-he's okay." I tell her.

"Okay, keep me updated."

"I will."

He backs Marcus into a closet with a lock on the door. He locks it once he's in. I smile, and laugh, very lightly, out of happiness. Tears in my eyes. He mouths, 'It's okay'. I nod, and hear the police sirens. Tobias disappears. I tell the lady that Marcus is locked away from Tobias. She hangs up, knowing that the police are there, because I told her. I hear the door to my house open, and I cautiously walk down the huge wooden staircase. I see Toby, and run down, sprinting. I jump into his arms. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too."

And I kiss him, softly. I realized right at that moment how I fell in love with him: how you fall asleep. Slowly, when we were kids, and then all at once, when we were separated. You don't realize how much you love and depend on something, until it's gone. And I'm never letting him leave. I love this little infinity we are in, but he pulls away and says, "Back to reality."

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