Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my first and may be my only fanfic! I am a terrible writer! Please read this! Tell me if this works right because I have no clue what to do. FYI: I will try to update every Thursday, so hopefully you dot need to think WHEN WILL SHE UPDATE????I will NOT have a lot of A/N, becuase i hate those, so if I do have one I needed to post that, and I will have an update with if it's on a Thursday. My goal is to get atleast 4 reads by the end of school! Lets do this!!!!! (All charector rights go to Veronica Roth) ~Lily :)

Tris POV

"Beatrice! Beatrice!" someone whispers, "Wake up you're gonna be late! c'mon!"

Do I know this voice? Oh yeah it's my stupid, nerdy brother, Caleb. Ugh he is do dumb.

"Go away" I yell.

"Fine, but you are going to be late for the first day of 12th grade!" he says then I hear footsteps. Good! He's gone. Then  out of nowhere a pillow hits my face. I jump out in my pj shorts and a tank top and case after him, but he's cowerdly hiding behind my mom who is making pankacakes. I stop and get lost in the scent. I plop down in a chiar next to my dad, who is reading the paper. 

"Good morning to you too Beatrce." my mother and father say at the same time. 

"Moring guys, and Caleb." I say the second part sourly.

"What did you two do this time?" mom asks waiving her spatula.

"Nothing," we say blankly.

"Uh huh, well here's the pancakes!" 

Me and Caleb rush over to get our food. It was so good! I like mine with the dough in the middle. Yum!

"You'd better get ready Beatrice, it's almost 7:00," my dad told me, and sure enough it was 6:54. 

"OMG! Bye mom and dad! Love ya!" I yell already heading upstairs into my huge room.

Oh yeah! My family is rich, but I don't realy care. My dad is a senator and was in the army, but I wasn't born then. My mom is a sergeon and used to be model for ten years! So that is where all the money comes from. I have all the things I have ever wanted, exept for my old friend/boyfiriend Tobias, but I called him Toby. He moved when we were in seventh grade. I miss him a lot. I don't know where he moved to, but I do know why. His dad, Marcus, abused him and I found out one day at our special tree. His dad found out he told me, and they moved a week later. I just can't stop thinkig about his deep blue eyes. 

I knew exactly what to wear. I picked it out the night before. I have a deep blue sundress (like Toby's eyes because it is his birthday today so I am honoring it) that has thick straps, gray boot cuffs, black boots, a black leather jacket, and a black charm bracelet from Toby.

I don't do anything with my hair, just put it in a pony because I never do anything, and the only reason I am wearing a dress is for Tobias who LOVED me in them. I put on lipgloss, and brush my teeth. Then I grab my bag and leave at 7:30. I have a black convertable, so I will probably get a lot of stares.

I'm almost there and I am singing my favorite song Dark Horse by Katy Perry.

I pull in and hop out of my car. I was right, there were a lot of people staring. I ignored them even though I don't like attention. I walk int the schol only to be greeted by a girl with dark short hair and mocha skin. 

"Hi! I'm Christina! You are the new kid, Beatrice right?" she says.

"Hi! And yes, I am  Beatrice, but I prefered to be called Tris," I tell her. That was true, but I let my family call me Beatrice becuase my mom and dad like it that way, so I guess that's how it is. 

"Okay Tris. Do you need your scedule? I can help you find the office,"

"Sure," I don't know where enything is, so why not.

"Follow me!" she yells. Man she is so loud!

We walk down the hallway a little bit, then stop. 

"How may I help you girls?" The woman asks.

"I'm Beatice Prior, I'm new, I need my scedule,"

"Oh yes, Beatrice. Here you go. Have a nice day!" sahe smiles while handing it to me.

"Thanks, you too!" I say and walk off with Christina.

"Can I see it?' she asks.

"Sure," and I hand it to her.

"You have homeroom, first hour, second hour, fourth hour, and sixth hour with me! Also your ocker i s two down from mine Four's is in between. He's a good friend of mine"

"Yay! I will at least know someone in some of my classes!"

"Hey what about me? Huh Bea?" a voice says that is all too familiar.

How was it? Good? Ha ha cliff hanger! Byeeee      ~Lily

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