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"you slept well..." jackson had a tray in his hands with some dishes above it. "i had to sleep on the couch last night, but it's all good. you deserve a long rest." he smiled and sat on the bed beside me.

"i stayed here overnight?!" i widened my eyes.

"yeah, you did. i didn't want to wake you up." jackson said truthfully and put down the tray infront of me on the bed. "you were tired."

"you should've wake me up! im sorry i slept on your bed like it's mine..." i said.

"it's okay, it's not mine yixing. this is just a temporary apartment i live in." jackson chuckled. "anyways, i cooked some soup for you this morning and some hot lemon tea." he opened the lid and i stared at it, the smell was nice.

"sorry, doesn't look that appetizing. i don't really know how to cook. but i swear, it tastes nice." jackson said and i just flashed him a smile.

"i don't complain, jackson. it looks good." i grabbed the spoon and my hand was shaking. he held my hand and tried to stop it from shaking. i just nodded at him and tasted the soup.

"just tell me if it tastes shit..." he nervously said.

"no, actually it's better than i thought it would be." i complimented. "thank you, jackson. i really do appreciate it."

he sighed a relief and tensed as soon as i glanced at him again. "don't lie, just say it's not good." jackson protested. i laughed at his serious but funny face.

"no, no i swear it's delicious." i laughed. "it's hard to believe you made this. not gonna lie, i thought it would be shitty if you cook-"

"stop." jackson shushed me playfully. "do you know how many websites i searched on the internet this morning? it made my laptop have viruses just to know how to make a soup."

"oh, jackson you're so extra." i smiled.

"how about the hot lemon tea?" he asked. "how does it taste like?"

"you damn well know i haven't even tasted the tea yet you ask me..." i shook my head as i laugh.

"oh, right...i forgot." he chuckled. "well you should taste it now then."

"alright, alright." i sipped the tea. "it's still hot but it's amazing."

"that's nice to hear someone complimenting my cooking." he flashed a really wide smile that made him look cute. "so, let's check your temperature again. it should be lower." he went to grab the thingy again while i tried to finish the whole soup.

"38°c, that should be okay." he assured. "but still, you're sick."

"as much as i want to stay here, jackson...i have to go back to beijing university." i sighed heavily. "although the teachers don't care much about our attendance."

"i wish you could stay longer..." he muttered. "hey, at least we're closer now than we were in high school." jackson fist bumped me.

"i know, and i like it that there's no obstacle between us anymore." i said. "i was highly protected. i couldn't get along with attractive boys like you."

"you think im attractive?" he smirked.

"yeah, sure. why not?" i smirked. "but im more attractive."

"yeah, you're more attractive." he chuckled and i just sipped the hot lemon tea.

"well that's an easy argument." i snickered. "but you're more attractive."

"god, yixing. how many times should we do this?" jackson laughed. "let's just say this, you're cute and im hot."

bitter lies » hunlay [COMPLETED SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now