twenty five

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"what took you so long?" sehun asked worriedly.

i didn't respond but i clenched my fists and tried to avoid eye contact. my voice probably would sound like i've been crying so i stayed silent.

"have you been crying?" sehun stared at me. he glanced down at my clenched fists, caught a glimpse of my bloody knuckles. "let me see your fists."

i held back and hid my fists. "yixing, let me see..." sehun sighed. he stared at me seriously, it didn't seem like he would give up anyways so i slowly loosened up and let him see my fists. he grabbed my hands and analyzed it.

"what did you do?" sehun asked. "what happened? you can tell me..." he said, hoping i would stare back at him, but no. i was looking down at the floor the whole time. "you're making me worry, yixing...answer me."

"n-no...nothing." my voice shook.

"who hurt you?" sehun asked. "is it me?"

"i told you," i said. "it's nobody."

"how can i help you when you keep lying, yixing?" sehun sighed.

"you don't have to worry about me." i laid back his shoulders and took a deep silent breath. i moved my chair closer to sehun and stared at him with puppy looks like there's no tomorrow.

"why are you staring at me like that?" sehun smiled and carressed my cheek with his thumb. "hm?" he hummed softly.

"i can't believe it..." i muttered to myself. "sehun...i-i don't want you to go..." i whispered.

"what do you mean?" sehun asked confusingly.

"don't leave me..." i rested my head on his arm and clinged onto it. "im serious."

"you're the one who left me a couple of times." sehun said. "why would i leave you?" he played with my hair. "why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

"i don't know..." i sighed.

"what do you want from me? just say it, yixing...i know you're doing this on purpose."

"im not doing this on purpose...i just want to be like this with you. please just let me be..." i said.

"if you say so, princess." sehun sighed.

"will you forget me if you're out of this hospital...and if i can't see you again...will you forget who took care of you?" i asked.

"never." sehun rubbed my head softly. "you're the last person i'd ever forget about."

"d-don't leave me...please." i cried, the words the doctor said still ringing inside my head.

"i won't." sehun said softly, feeling the tear drops on his skin from my eyes. "don't cry, baby." i got up from his arm and tried to wipe my tears with my sleeve but it doesn't seem to stop again. sehun wiped my tears with his thumb while i stare at him pitifully. "it's okay..." sehun said. little did he know, he got heart problems. little did he know, he will leave so soon...

sehun flinched again, it was his chest pain. i quickly reacted and let him squeeze my hand out of the pain. "it's...more painful-" sehun groaned and squeezed my hand tightly. "than the previous ones." sehun continued.

"fight the pain." i said. "you're strong, can do it."

"i can..." sehun panted. "do it."


sehun's brother decided to visit right after he finished working. he loosened his tie and took out an envelope from his pocket. he handed it to sehun and said, "i made money for you..."

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