twenty two

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"will you come with me to hong kong?" jackson asked.

"im not sure, i have a busy university schedule..."

"do you still need time to think about it?" jackson sighed.

"about what?"

"about our relationship..." jackson abruptly said. "you never actually confessed back to me...what are we, yixing?"

i froze in place and glanced at him awkwardly. i tried to change the topic smoothly and pretended to do some of my assignments. "so...when are you leaving?" i asked.

"im leaving later, yixing." jackson said and i almost choked. i widened my eyes at him.


" sorry i didn't tell you earlier. i asked you a question. i just want to clarify everything before i leave. what exactly are we?" jackson stared at me with his eyes full of hope.

i took a deep breath and dropped my pen down. i didn't know how to answer him. "jackson..." i trailed off. "we do such things, yes. i liked it. i enjoyed it. i love being with you...but we're not what you think we are..." i averted my gaze away from him.

"what do you mean?" jackson furrowed his eyebrows. "what are those kisses for? what are those cuddles for? don't you feel a thing like i do when we do those kind of things? don't you have feelings for me?" jackson sounded hurt.

"it's not that serious, jackson..." i said. "i appreciate you being with me and all but im sorry..." i tried to comfort him. "i don't-"

"you don't feel the same way." jackson continued. his face suddenly turned into a frown and glanced away from me. "i get it."

"jackson, im really sorry..." i grabbed his wrist.

"do you know how many times you've been calling me 'sehun' whenever you're asleep? do you know how much it hurt?" jackson said. "i know...i know you'll never get over him. and it's my fault for crushing over you."

"what?" i gasped. "no..."

"it's okay, yixing...i accept your rejection." jackson smiled although he was hurting. "it was all a false hope."

"it was nice hanging out with you." jackson said lastly and stared into my eyes. "as much as i want to stay longer, i can't..." he headed towards the door but i stopped him.

"wait." i sighed. "i just want to say that you're always there for me whenever i needed someone." i smiled. "thank you." jackson held hands with me for the last time, his eyes told me that he was hurting and deep inside, i felt guilty.

all jackson could do was smile through the pain and gave me a last hug before he left. "goodbye, jackson." i leaned against the door frame.

"until next time..."


"so...why aren't you out with jackson again?" luhan asked. "you're always missing but surprisingly you're here at the dorm right now."

"he's not here anymore so don't ask." i groaned. luhan was really loud, he kept singing and blasting music out loud. he's getting annoying each day. "luhan, im trying to do my work here!"

"okay? who asked?" he smirked. "you'll get a loud call coming anyways~"

i groaned and rubbed my temples stressfully. i was having a stressful moment because of my piled assignments to do and i will have to do some presentation tomorrow which i haven't prepared at all. being with luhan in this tiny room isn't helping a bit.

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