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"doctor, am i getting worse?" i asked.

the doctor paused and looked unsure. "'ll get better." he said sympathetically.

"just tell me the truth! im tired of people lying to me!" i raised my voice. "what is happening to me?!"

"oh sehun, i promise everything will get better if he made the right decision." he mustered a faint smile.

chanyeol suddenly looked up from his phone and stared at the doctor like he knew something. "he?" he asked. later, they exchanged glances and chanyeol nodded as a signal.

"doctor, sehun hallucinated again last night. he almost killed himself again..." chanyeol told him. "but i stopped him." the doctor widened his eyes.

"im afraid we have to check you up again, mr. oh." the doctor said and called the nurses to check me. they got an x-ray of my brain, and their reaction seemed to be more shocked than before.

they called chanyeol since he's the only person i have. they told him what's wrong with my brain and everything, this was the first time i've seen chanyeol look so nervous. i couldn't hear whatever they were saying because they were whispering and keeping it private from me.

sooner, they finished discussing everything and chanyeol came back to me with his fists clenched. "tell me." i said. "i deserve to know." i said faintly.

he just sat beside me and held my wrist. "you're going to be okay." he said with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"that's what they always say..." i sighed. "just to make me feel better, when im not."

"sehun, what can i do for you?" chanyeol asked. "what do you want the most? i'll give you everything." he stared at me seriously.

"nothing." i said.

"come on, you need to cheer up again!" he suddenly laughed. he told me bad jokes that i didn't really understand, he tried so hard to make me smile. "sehun..." his smile turned into a frown. "im worried for you,"

"you're not just losing your mind..."

"you're having serious depression."


"i brought some chinese street food, eat well." chanyeol came back, putting his car key into his pocket. he opened the food for me and even tried to cheer me up again. he's like a good brother to me...

"don't you want to eat, sehun?" chanyeol sighed.

"im not hungry." i said after a long silence. all i do was just stare outside the small window in this room without doing anything.

"...did it come back again?" chanyeol asked.

"i saw yixing walking out of the doctor's office." i said, not even surprised because i knew i was hallucinating.

chanyeol choked on his drink and cleared his throat right away. "doctor's office?!"

"it wasn't real so why do you seem so surprised?" i said tiredly.

"nothing..." he said. "let's get some fresh air outside. you've been locked up in this damn room for what feels like centuries."

"no, i don't want to." i refused. "im scared."

"what are you scared for, sehun? i'll be watching you, don't's not gonna happen again." im still traumatized because 'yixing' tried to persuade me to kill myself twice already.

"hyung...i can't..." i shrugged. "leave me alone."

chanyeol sighed deeply and headed over closer to me, he gripped my shoulder to assure me. "trust me. i'll never let it happen again."

he convinced me to go outside, as he promised, he stayed close to me and grasped my arm just in case. "it's nice, isn't it? seeing the birds fly, the smell of nature..." chanyeol said. "i just thought you forget how it feels like to be outdoors."

i stared for a long time and embraced the breeze. chanyeol took me out for a walk around the hospital, there were kids playing in the small playground area. there was one little girl, her face looked really familiar...

i just smiled and remembered about the small details when yixing and i went to the beach and found the little girl, hyorin. she grew up a little bit. she liked yixing alot more than me because he was really gentle with her. when her mother thought we were married because of our promise rings...god, the memories.

"it's a relief to see you smile." chanyeol interrupted my thoughts. "what are you staring at?"

"hyorin..." i said and approached the kid. chanyeol looked confused but followed behind me anyways. "do you remember oppa?" i asked nicely.

hyorin looked at me blankly, didn't say anything to me. it seemed like she didn't remember me... "my name is sehun oppa." i smiled. "remember when you used to like yixing oppa alot?" no response. "hyorin?"

"sehun, that's enough..." chanyeol pulled me back. he shot me a worried look. "there's nobody there."

"n-nobody?" i blinked and took a glance again. nobody...


"hyung..." i rubbed my temples. i had a strong headache so we stopped walking and sat at the waiting room.

"do i need to call your doctor?" chanyeol asked.

"no, it's okay. it's just a slight headache." i lied.

"if it's not that serious we wouldn't stop here urgently." chanyeol said. he kept insisting to call the doctor but i tugged his shirt and said no.

after a few minutes, the headache was getting worse so i groaned a bit loudly and braced my hands at the back of my head.

my vision was a bit blurry so i had to squint to see clearly. a familiar figure showed up from the distance, staring at me with the doctor. yixing...

"yixing...yixing...i see yixing..." i panted as my heartbeat increased rapidly. my head was still hurting though. "it's all in your head,'s all in your head, it's not real-" i groaned.

"sehun, it's not just you who sees him," chanyeol widened his eyes. "i see him too."

the two figures started to approach us from afar. my vision started to get trippy and i saw eight yixing heading towards breathing increased and i suddenly puked, leaving chanyeol more worried.

yixing started to run towards me as i heard chanyeol yelling my name and gripping my body for me to balance. "sehun! can you hear me?!" my eyes suddenly shut and all i see was pitch black darkness.

"i knew the real yixing will come to save you, sehun..." was the last sentence i heard from chanyeol before everything went completely silent.

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