thirty four

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"goodmorning," sehun back hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder from behind. "husband."

i blushed and shrugged away from him in a good way. i smiled at him and told him to stop. "where's my morning kiss?" sehun asked.

"you're not getting any." i said as i get off bed and he held my hand from going away.

"is this what being married feels like?" sehun pouted cutely, trying to get my attention back. i couldn't help but broke a sheepish smile. he smirked at my embarrassed face. "i want to hear you call me that."

"daddy sehun..." i scoffed.

he smirked and laughed, "that's sexy to hear but not that. the other one i just called you, baby."

"" i stared at him innocently. sehun covered his face while laughing.

"no, not that..." sehun facepalmed. "im the only one who calls you baby and nobody else can call you that."

"ah! husband." i smirked. his face lit up in excitement as i laughed at his cute reaction. "my husband, do you want some coffee in the morning?"

"that feels good to hear." sehun smirked. "i want nothing but you."

"stop being so cheesy in the morning." i giggled. "im not ready to hear them, i might melt!"

"alright, love. whatever you say." sehun chuckled.

"im making you a coffee whether you like it or not!" i said as i went downstairs to the kitchen. sehun just smiled and followed me to the kitchen, sitting down on the stool with his hand cupping his cheek. he watched me thoroughly as if i was an angel.

"what? is there something on my face?" i touched my face, searching for something weird.

"yes, there is." sehun said. "there's a little thing on your lip..." i tried to wipe it but sehun told me it wouldn't get off so he called me over to him.

"can you get it off for me?" i asked kindly.

"sure thing. come closer, babe." he brushed a finger on my soft lips.

"did you get it?" i asked.

"maybe this would be better," he leaned in for an unexpected kiss and i widened my eyes in surprise. "see? it's gone..." sehun smirked. i felt my lips and it was still the same as before, sehun completely fooled me.

"where did it go?" i asked innocently.

"oh, yixing..." sehun laughed. "how can you be so innocent?"


"nothing~" he cooed. i shrugged it off as he continued to stare at me while smiling nonstop. i caught a glimpse of him while making the coffee, his pupils followed every movement i made. i sang a song while making a cute design on top of his latte, which took time because it was my first time doing it.

after i finished doing it, i blew the hot coffee for him and served it to him. "you're an angel." he said. "my angel, to be exact."

"shut up." i giggled and he smirked, looking down at the design i made. OSH ♡ ZYX

"im posting this on instagram." sehun grinned and took a picture of it after every attempt of stopping him because i was too embarrassed. i told him to taste it and he was feeling satisfied by it. i smiled at his reaction and felt so happy. "it's my turn to make yours."

sehun stood up and asked me how did i do it. he wasn't concentrating just now because he was just staring at me all the time. "sing a song while im designing, baby." he snickered.

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