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i got over sehun after attempting suicide and cried over him for two weeks in a row now. luhan witnessed it all every night but he kept quiet and didn't try to disturb my emotional moments. maybe not wholly, the thought of him still bothers me sometimes.

i spent my time everyday with jackson. he cheered me up when i was down. i even escaped a few classes just to meet jackson. i need jackson to get rid of sehun.

i basically spent my time with luhan too, i had to face him everyday because we're roommates. but it wasn't anything new. luhan doesn't talk to me sometimes and i just felt alone in the room. but it felt weird for me because luhan's awfully quiet nowadays. he teases me sometimes which i got annoyed at him.

"where did you put the tracker?" i broke the silence. the thing is, i didn't care about the tracker this whole time because obviously luhan's already invading my privacy. "im just curious..."

"let's play a game. guess where i put the tracker. if you guess it wrong, you'll buy me ice cream. if you get it right, then i'll do whatever you ask me to." luhan challenged.

"deal." i rolled my eyes. "is it somewhere on my leg?" i guessed.

"wrong!" luhan laughed. "buy me ice cream, you little shit."

"i get to guess more than once! that's not fair!" i glared. luhan just smirked and expected me to say the wrong answer again. "it' the back of my neck?"

"you would never guess. buy me ice cream!" luhan said.

"fine." i groaned. "where is it?"

luhan stood up to show me where it is. he pointed behind my ear and took out something which i felt something stingy. luhan showed me the tiny tracker, it's very small u can almost not see it. "satisfied?" luhan asked and put the tracker in his pocket.

"how is that possible?!" i said blankly. "so you don't need that on me anymore?"

"no, it's no use anymore." luhan said and threw it inside the trash.

"why?" i asked. he stayed silent and tried to change the topic.

"you'll find out sooner." luhan yawned and cuddled his pillow. "get out and buy me ice cream." luhan threw a pillow at me.


i bought ice cream for luhan in the mini store and bought some snacks for myself. late at night, i always get hungry so why not buy some hot cheetos? but i thought luhan would steal mine so i bought extra cheetos.

i came back to university and barged into our room. luhan immediately got up from his bed excitedly and handed him the ice cream.

"not even thankful?" i sent him a dirty look.

"i don't do that." luhan said. i rolled my eyes and packed my bag. "where are you going?"

"im staying the night at jackson's." i slung my bag over my shoulder.


"because i want to."

"don't you have a lot of tests tomorrow?" luhan asked.

"im failing my classes anyways. im not good at studying anymore."

luhan showed me a 'whatever' look and seemed unbothered like he always is. "what about you? i never see you study." i asked.

"i never signed up here to study, dear yixing. i skip classes all the time. im here to spy on you but sometimes it gets boring so i let you go most of the time." luhan said casually. "now get out."

bitter lies » hunlay [COMPLETED SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now