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(credits to whoever edited that masterpiece)


i hired luhan to mess with sehun. at first i thought it was a bad idea, i didn't want sehun to be in danger but after being luhan's roommate for almost a year...changed my mind. it feels like i knew luhan enough to trust him, he even ranted about his privacy to me.

of course luhan's still a bad person, but it doesn't mean he's bad all the time. he wanted quite an expensive amount of money and i just went on with it. i told him to not hurt sehun and surprisingly, he didn't. well, apart from the real arm twisting.

i told sehun a white lie that i went grocery shopping but i was actually buying party things, buying the cake and decorating this large place with the help of the guys. they were in it too, they decided to ignore sehun all day.

everyone were honestly so shocked that their eyeballs could pop out when i told them that luhan's also coming before sehun arrived. they thought i was out of my mind for inviting a psycho but it was for a good reason.

even though everyone was enjoying the party, they were actually avoiding eye contact with luhan who was standing at the corner awkwardly without even wanting to approach the group of people. they're all terrified of luhan.

"that's $100," i handed luhan the cash privately. "for helping."

"i'll take my leave now." luhan scoffed. "i don't belong here."

"alright." i nodded. "wait, don't you want a sip of drink or anything?"

"i told not up for this fucking party. i just wanted cash, that's all. people will think i drug their food and drinks if i come any closer to them. i don't want any of that bullshit anymore." luhan said. i just raised a brow as he put back on his hoodie and went away mysteriously like a criminal he is.

"care to explain?" sehun raised a brow.

"you won't believe it when i tell you." i said.

"are you friends with a psycho now? are you not aware of what he's capable of?" sehun worried. "remember what he did to me?"

"not friends, never been." i said. "he's not as harmful as back then, just trust me." i gazed into his eyes.

sehun nodded hesitantly with an unsure look on his face. i grabbed sehun's hand and told him to have fun because it was his birthday. each one of them greeted sehun a happy birthday and sehun smiled sweetly.

"seems like you're gonna have a special night later." kai nudged sehun playfully.

"yeah, sehun's going to have his special dinner on bed..." baekhyun smirked and glanced at me then back at sehun.

"what are you guys on about?" i laughed out of the embarrassment.

"goodluck to you, yixing." xiumin smirked.

"enough!" i blushed madly and sehun just pretended like he didn't hear them but he was actually liking it.

"is this why you guys keep ignoring me?" sehun asked.

"duh!" kai rolled his eyes. "of course, you idiot."

"guys, let's give sehun our gifts now." suho said. they all prepared their own gifts and showed them to sehun. they were all honestly so random...they are all cheap things you can buy in the thrift shop.

"ridiculous." sehun chuckled and took them all anyways. "cotton buds and a random pencil, seriously?"

"what else can we get?" suho teased.

bitter lies » hunlay [COMPLETED SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now