thirty two

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"sehun ah, don't you want to get a job?" kyungsoo asked.

"why would i?"

"if not, how are you supposed to pay for the house bills? your brother won't be here to give you money forever..." kyungsoo stirred his tea. "i heard he's moving to london for his job."

"i don't feel the need to get a job." i shrugged. "why don't you say that to your boyfriend instead?"

kyungsoo just sighed, "kai's a lazy piece of shit. well, he does help me with my work sometimes and it's really helpful."

i nodded and raised my eyebrows. "i won't pass any job interviews because of my bad grades, hyung." i said, defeated.

"you graduated, that's good enough." kyungsoo stared. "you haven't even tried!"

"i'd rather stay at home with my yixing." i said, yixing was smiling widely that his cheekbones popped out.

"fine, i get it. you're wealthy enough to worry about a job." kyungsoo shook his head. "what about you? do you have any plans on getting a job?" kyungsoo asked yixing.

"my job is already taking care of sehun." yixing smirked.

"seriously..." kyungsoo rolled his eyes playfully and finished his tea. "okay then, i'll just get back to work. see you guys soon!" he waved at us as he walked out of the door.

i stared at yixing with a smirk mustered on my face, "taking care of me is your job? seriously?" i laughed.

"of course! then what am i doing here with you?" yixing said. "am i your maid?!"

"no, you're my chef." i smirked. he crossed his arms. "im just joking, you're none other than my adorable, precious boyfriend." i ruffled his hair.

"remember, this is my mission from your brother to take care of you..." yixing teased. "it wasn't my choice~"

"yah! then you don't really care about me!" i raised a brow.

"of course i care about you, daddy." yixing smirked while making eye contact which made me fluster. "im here so you won't be lonely."

"you're already living here with me. period." i said. "this house is ours." i smiled.

"not yet. not until you put a permanent ring on me..."

"didn't i?" i smirked.

"i mean-" yixing quickly changed the subject out of embarrassment. "so, have you took the medicine?"

"cute." i smirked and laughed. "what were you saying just now?"

"i said have you took your med-"

"before that, yixing." i smiled.

"i didn't say anything..." he looked down on the floor, obviously avoiding eye contact.

"were you saying we should have our wedding together?" i asked. "do you want me to marry you?"

yixing just blushed too hard, speechless of what to say. "w-why are we talking about marriage?" he asked innocently.

"fine," i chuckled. "you don't want to talk about it then let's not...i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

"u-uncomfortable?" he hesitated. "no! it's not that i don't want it, it's shy to talk about it infront of you."

"i understand that, baby." i put an arm around his shoulder as he leaned his head on my shoulder, brushing his arm gently. "you'll get a new ring soon..." i whispered. "i promise to make you mine forever this time." i kissed his soft cheek.

bitter lies » hunlay [COMPLETED SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now