twenty six

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although my heart kept hurting, i endured it most of the time. i didn't want to see the worried look on yixing's face again. i kept drinking water to decrease the pain and i had to go to the toilet a lot of times.

"the guys did clean surprised." i said, looking at the floor. there was no leftover muffins or trashes.

"they even washed the dishes." yixing said.

"why are they like this?" i said confusingly.

it was 11 pm and i wasn't sleepy at all, yixing wasn't either. there was a long silence between us so i sat down and played a video game by myself. he kept watching me from afar as he sipped his drink.

"why don't you come here?" i paused the game and patted the seat next to me. he slowly put down his drink and went to the living room, sitting next to me with a huge gap between us. "do you want to play one on one with me?" i offered him another game controller.

"i'll just watch you play." yixing said. after winning the match every round, yixing wasn't really surprised since he knows im usually good at games. "you're good."

"yeah?" i chuckled. "play with me."

"i always lose whenever i play with you." yixing pouted.

"i'll go easy on you this time." i said.

"im tired." he yawned and rested his head on the cushion. "but i don't want to sleep."

"yixing, just sleep. i know you're trying to keep yourself awake for no reason." i said.

"just keep playing, im trying to figure out how you win each round." yixing reasoned. "have you took your medicine, sehun?"

"yeah." i said.

"good." yixing kept yawning and yawning until his eyes turn red. he was laying on the floor with a cushion below his head, with his eyes blinking slowly.

"come here, yixing..." i paused the game and made some space inbetween my legs. "you can lay your head on my chest."

"im fine..." he mumbled under his breath.

"please, baby?" i rasped. "it doesn't look comfortable for you to lay like that." yixing got up and moved inbetween my legs, he spreaded his legs out and carefully rested his head on my chest like he was actually in a sleeping position.

i gently brushed my hand on his arm, slowly making him fall asleep. "much better?" i asked.

"-better..." he mumbled softly. i continued to play the game until i feel tired while yixing was sleeping on my body comfortably.

after hours of finishing the game, i put the game controller down slowly, without making any sound. carefully, i wrapped my arms around yixing's legs and back to carry him in a bridal style. i went upstairs and slowly opened the guest room's door, laying yixing down gently on the bed. tucking him in with the blanket and switched on the night light before i leave him alone.

i took off my clothes to get ready for sleeping in my own room. i switched off the light and stared at the ceiling pointlessly, trying to drift myself to sleep. i was scrolling through my phone in the dark, before going to sleep.

i heard footsteps outside the room and i quickly put on a night light. my door opened suddenly, i don't lock my door at night. yixing was half asleep as he went inside my room with a messy but cute hair. "yixing, is there something wrong?" i stared at him curiously.

"no...i can't sleep in there." yixing rubbed his eyes.


"it's too cold and...scary." yixing shivered. he walked towards my bed and sat on it. "i don't want to be alone."

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