thirty six

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two days in paris felt like forever. kai and kyungsoo have already packed up and went boarding the plane, meanwhile yixing and i were still in the hotel packing up to go home. we had so much fun spending time in paris, it's much more fun to spend time with close friends and mostly my husband.

"i can't believe we're leaving this place." yixing said as he looked at the view for the last time.

"me too." i sighed. "im gonna miss this place..."

"we can always go back here in the future, right?" yixing smiled but as soon as he realized what he said, his smile faltered. "in the future..." he mumbled sadly.

"yes, of course we will." i just smiled. "let's travel the whole world together."

yixing just smiled through the pain, the thought of the future made him realize that i won't be here by his side any longer...

"just us two." i said and held up my pinky finger. he stared at it and didn't want to do the promise thing between us.

"i don't want to do that..." yixing stared down. "it won't work. we just need to trust each other."

"alright, baby." i rubbed his back and told him to get ready to go to the airport. "let's go." he was still not budging.

"why can't we stay here any longer? i like how it is with you here..." yixing started to get emotional.

"babe you know we can't...we can still be together at home."

"b-but i forgot about everything else except you here..."

"baby..." i sighed. "i know that." i hugged him. "but we have to go."


we landed in korea and we used the uber to get us back to our home since my friends were unfortunately busy with their own stuffs. we were about to rest because of the horrible jetlag we encountered but we never got a rest.

"oh, we ran out of toilet papers." yixing said when he walked into the bathroom.

"really?" i furrowed my brows. "we just got here and there's no toilet paper?"

"we have to get a lot of them from the convenience store..." yixing was trying so hard to hold in his urine and i felt uneasy just by looking at him standing uncomfortably like that.

"i'll buy them." i said and was about to go but yixing stopped me.

"i want to go with you please~" yixing said.

"what if you peed yourself in public?"

"i can control myself!"

"alright then." i sighed.

we walked to the convenience store which took about 20 minutes to get there and yixing couldn't really walk faster so i had to keep up my pace with him. "i can't walk anymore, im gonna pee myself i swear to god." yixing was doing little jumps in his place.

"im not gonna leave you here." i said.

"sehun just go, i'll wait you here." yixing groaned while holding his stomach.

"this place doesn't look good to me." i didn't want to leave my baby here because of the bad vibes of this quiet place we were standing in. "im sure you can hold it a little longer come on we're almost there-"

"go!" yixing pushed me in a hurry.

"okay...just don't get yourself hurt." i furrowed my eyebrows in suspicion as i walked away from him to get the toilet paper. i had no choice but to get in a hurry.

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