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jackson and i hung out a couple of times, everyday we see each other and have a hug greeting, telling how much we miss each other even though we met everyday. he is a sweet person, he takes care of everyone and i could tell he takes care of me personally.

"jackson, what should we do today?" i asked.

"i don't know...i kind of want to just cuddle at home." he smiled.

"so you prefer indoors than outdoors?" i asked.

"yeah, seems like it. it's the perfect weather to cuddle."

cuddles, the most favorite thing of sehun. i remember when he couldn't sleep without my cuddles, calling me every late night on how he's sleepless without me by his side. all i could do was smile.

"okay, sure...but i need to grab some mcdonald's first." i smiled faintly.

"anything for my xingxing." jackson put his arm around my shoulder.


"i think i need to change my number." i said to jackson. he looked at me while slurping his drink and went to the other direction of the road from his apartment. "what- where are we going?" i asked, confused.

"you said you want to change your number." he smirked.

"yeah..." i muttered, scrolling through my old messages. there's only one contact that caught my attention.

oh sehun. he sent texts to me, and i just received it now. i decided to ignore it while feeling a bit flustered. he deserved it. i let out a long and heavy sigh.

"is something bothering you?" jackson asked nicely.

"no..." i flashed a weak fake smile. "im just scrolling through random pitiful articles."

i changed my mind. i found myself scrolling back upwards to our old conversations, when we were still happy. when he loved me.

i didn't even realize i was reminiscing the memories of us until we arrived at the place, it ruined my mood. i became more unstable from looking at the old texts...this longing feeling, it's something i shouldn't be feeling anymore.

the feeling of missing sehun.

delete contact 'oh sehun'?

no     yes

"yixing? we're here..." jackson raised his brow when he took off his seatbelt.

"oh..." i snapped back to reality and locked my phone.

this was it, no more texts from him, no more calls. no more of those worrying texts and asking me what i've been doing lately...

i lost him.

i need to move on.


"are you sure you want to change your number?"

"yes, im sure." i said.

"do you want to save any number of your mutuals before i reset your number?"

i nodded and saved the korean guys' number, but most importantly, jackson's number. my friends' numbers at university for group stuffs, although im not very close with them.

"it will take five minutes." the worker said. jackson glanced at me and i nodded.

"thank you..." i said at the worker before grabbing jackson's forearm and sat down on the chairs.

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