q&a i guess

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hello! sorry this isn't an update but i decided to tell you guys some things about myself bcs i want to get closer with you if that makes sense lol

the place that im in rn is so noisy btw there are noisy airplanes in the sky and i just want to sleep tbh

p/s: nobody tagged me to do this i just want to do it and ain't nobody stopping me mfs

- in short form, it's lisa. not lalisa or monalisa, just lisa please :)

- im a proud asian

how many languages can you speak?
- im fluent in malay, english, indonesian language and arabic but im still learning korean and spanish (i want to learn chinese but it's too hard ffs)

last time you cried?
- i think it was when i read a book full of sad love poems & it just reminds me of a fanfic i read and the ending fucked me up i swear i was too emotional

- 13th september!

if you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
- i guess...yes? that's because im just curious lmao

do you use sarcasm a lot?
- omg yes, mostly towards my close friends bcs they don't get offended easily

would you ever bungee jump?
- yES i actually would bcs im not really afraid of heights & i just love to experience things like that

favorite cereal?
- koko crunch!

first thing you notice about people?
- their small gestures??

eye color?
- i want to say very very dark brown but most people say my eyes are darker than that so it's basically black uwu (i want green eyes tho)

scary movies or happy endings?
- although i also like happy endings...but i'd choose scary movies for some reason lmao

favorite smell?
- i like sweet smell but not so strong bcs it makes me have a headache so...probably like a seductive smell? ;)

summer or winter?
- summer, since im used to it in my country

computer or tv?
- computer all the wayyy

farthest place you've been from home before?
- saudi arabia

special talents?
- not to sound cocky but i can draw and sing but im not really confident oh! and i can bend my fingers 90°

- bandar seri begawan, brunei darussalam (it's a small & religious country if you don't know)

- used to like reading so much but now i like to write and sketch

- used to have a cute bunny called aurora...but sadly it died when i was 7 & i got a bad fever the next day from crying too much :( i loved her

favorite movie?
- currently it's still black panther <3

- i have 6 siblings, 3 sisters & 3 brothers, im the youngest one in the family ayee

what do you want to be when you grow up?
- i haven't really decided actually (i know, what?!) but im interested in like medical careers just bcs i love biology ehe

favorite character in this book?
- LUHAN!! or jongdae

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