thirty one

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"i'll make you breakfast, yeah?" i wrapped my arms around sehun's back and smiled against his toned back. sehun just smiled against the pillow but his eyes still closed.

again, i haven't really mastered in cooking but the foods i tried to cook aren't that bad at all. i wanted to make sehun a new recipe so i searched on how to make an advanced breakfast set. my head was still dizzy from last night and my legs were sore but i still do whatever it takes to make sehun happy.

"uhh...half of pure honey-" i read the recipe meticulously. "how am i supposed to do that?" i raised my brow in confusion and took out all the optional ingredients anyways.

"alright, i can do this," i sighed heavily, watching all the countless ingredients on the table. "for my sehun." i smiled.

i began to chop all the vegetables and mixed the seasonings altogether and adjusting the stove temperature. salt isn't good for sehun's health so i decided to put something nicer.

i know sehun too well, so i added whatever flavor he likes into this recipe even though it doesn't say so...i just hope it worked.

"may i help?" sehun offered as he went out of the room, covered with hickies from me.

"no! it's the one who wants to do this for you." i said.

"you're sweating so much." sehun giggled. "i will help you whether you like it or not." he grabbed the knife from the back and casually cut the food while i stand inbetween his arms. i looked up at him shyly as he smirked.

"i didn't know you're this good at cutting." i said. "im proud that you improved so much...the only thing you used to know is boiling water for ramen only."

"i learn some things from you too, baby. thanks to you." sehun kissed my head from behind and i found myself blushing.

"my head is sweaty, don't do that." i said.

"who cares? you're never disgusting to me, not a chance." sehun said sweetly. "why did you prepare so much?" sehun stared at all the ingredients.

"i don't know...maybe i just want to do something special for you." i smiled.

"my birthday is over, baby boy." sehun said. "i don't want to be a burden to you..."

"birthday or not, you deserve all this." i said. "so don't complain!"

"im not complaining!" sehun laughed. "it's touched you did this all for me and you let me do everything i want."

"okay, sehun...just sit down i will do this by myself." i said.

"why don't you sit down instead?" sehun insisted. i stared at him while blushing and just kept cutting. "oh, right...the booty hurts. sad to be a bottom." sehun smirked.

"get out of my kitchen please." i blushed more.

"it's never your kitchen in the first place since you're at my house's our kitchen now." sehun said. "we're technically married already. you live here with me." he smiled.

"sehun..." i smiled like an idiot. "you're not helping!"

"you told me not to help you, baby!" sehun snorted. "and now you need me?"

"i don't need you." i said, chuckling.

"fine..." sehun tried to sulk but failed because of my cuteness. "you little shit." he smirked.

"im just kidding! i need you in my life, oh sehun." i cupped his cheeks, making him look like a mochi. "now let's continue cooking-"

sehun got frustrated at me getting on his nerves so he kissed me on the lips and got me tiptoeing to reach his tall height. "i will attack you if you do that to me again."

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