twenty one

376 21 3


"she gave this to me before she moved out..." my brother opened an envelope from our mother. it was money. a lot of money. i was kind of envious of him. i just showed a forceful smile and acted like i didn't care. "what? don't try to act." hyung smirked.

"who's acting? im definitely not." i groaned.

"you want it too?" hyung asked. i shook my head in refusal. "yeah right, i don't believe that..." he chuckled.

he grabbed my wrist suddenly and put the envelope in my hand. "take it." hyung said. "you need it." he curled my fingers to it tightly.

"really? why?" i asked blankly. i stared at him in confusion.

"you're young, and both of our parents aren't here anymore. you need more money to take care of yourself. you okay with it. i can always make money from my job." he said nicely.

"im not that young..." i said.

"yeah sure, you're old and frail." hyung teased. " it getting better?" he asked suddenly.

"i want to think it is..." i replied. "i want to believe that im getting better. having friends around me helps me alot."

"now that's what i want to hear!" hyung said proudly and ruffled my hair. "you just need someone to talk to."

after minutes of me and my brother joking around with each other, there was a doorbell sound at the door. hyung quickly got up and opened the door.

"who is it?" i asked.

"i don't know," he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "there's a box infront of the door. it seems like someone sent something."

"what does it say?"

"what is this- i don't understand the language. it's in chinese, probably." my brother stared at the reading for a good minute even though he doesn't know it.

"chinese?" i widened my eyes and grabbed the box from him. i analyzed it and i think i saw something written was familiar but i wasn't sure.

"we need someone to translate it." he mumbled.

i scrolled through my contacts and clicked on kris' contact. he obviously knows chinese well. "kris hyung," i said. "can you please come over for a sec?"

"for what? im actually about to sleep." kris yawned.

"just...come over. i need your help."

"if it isn't because of your mental health i would just hang up but fine i'll be there." kris sighed.


"he's so tall..." my brother gaped his mouth open.

"what's up?" kris greeted, glancing at my awkward brother then back at me. i grabbed the box and showed it to him. "yeah, it's a box." he said casually. i raised my brow and waited for his reaction.

"well, what do you want me to do?" kris asked awkwardly.

"these words," i pointed at it. "what does it say?"

he read the words in chinese and i tried to look for his expression. he hesitated a bit when it comes to the end of the sentence. "um..." kris was unsure of what to do.

"why'd you stop?" i asked.

"i don't know if i should say it or-" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously and i stared at him with full of curiosity.

"-zhang yixing." kris finished the last sentence. "it says from zhang yixing."

"i hope you're okay. it doesn't mean i forgot about your giving you this because i think you'd need it. from, zhang yixing." kris translated.

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